Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1407Bank of British North America Proof ExchangesCanada. Toronto
Branch. 18-- (1862 written on bottom of first of exchange). Uncut sheet
of three proof 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Exchanges printed in purple. Printed
on thin white paper. Arms of bank in middle. Counterfoil on left with
bank initials. Printed by Perkins, Bacon & Co., London. Fine condition
with small pieces missing from left excess border where removed from
previous mounting and with glue stains on back. Left and right margins
are toned and slightly soiled from handling and storage. Rare uncut
sheet. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1408Canadian Bank of Commerce Essay Approval ProofToronto,
Canada. 1916-17. $5, P-S965A Unlisted essay. Unique approval proof
of final design with light green undertint. Multiple approval signatures
on bottom of card, mostly dated March, 1922 and ABNC hand stamps
on back. SCWPM lists this note dated 1917, but this approval proof
seems to indicate that the note was first designed in 1920-22. Deserves
further research. Micro imprint on bottom “Copyright, Canada, 1916
By American Bank Note Co. Ottawa, RD.1916”. Unlisted as proof.
Uncirculated with evidence of handling and some slight soiling. Rare
approval proof. ABNC; Canadian BNC. �������������������������������������Est.
1409Canadian Bank of Commerce Essay ProofToronto, Canada. (1916)
1917. P-S965 or P-S965A Unlisted, $5 Essay trial color face proof without
green undertint but with the seals of P-965A, no back. Full color seals
on left and right. Printed on india paper on large card. Choice to Gem
Uncirculated condition. Rare note. ABNC, Canadian BNC.��������Est.
1410Canadian Bank of Commerce Proof Banknote.Toronto, Canada.
1917. P-S965A Unlisted. $5 face proof with green undertint, back in olive
green. Full color seals on left and right. Printed on india paper on large
card. Choice Uncirculated condition. Rare note. ABNC, Canadian BNC.
1411Canadian Bank of Commerce Proof Banknote.Toronto, Canada.
1917. P-S966A Unlisted. $10 color face proof with orange undertint, no
back. Full color seal in middle. Printed on india paper on large card.
Uncirculated condition. Rare note. ABNC, Canadian BNC.��������Est.
1412Canadian Bank of Commerce Progress Proof Banknote.Toronto,
Canada. 1917. P-S967 Unlisted. $20 color face proof without undertint,
no back. Full color seal in middle. Serial numbers appear hand
drawn and then pasted onto note, “For Approval” on top, Printed
on india paper on large card. Uncirculated condition. Rare note.
ABNC. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.