Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1344Central Bank of Algeria, 1985 Printer’s Design “Experimental Dinar”Algeria, printer’s experimental 10/50 Dinars (both values
listed on the same note), 1985, with various serial numbers and Arabic
inscriptions that translate to “experimental” and “not valid”. Unlisted
in major catalogs and unrecorded. Exceptionally rare. Graded PMG 66
EPQ. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1345 Banco de Angola & Republica Portuguesa. 1921-1973 Issues, Lot of 8Angola, 50 Centavos, P-62. Female plowing, Choice Very Fine, stain
at left edge. Also included 10, 50, 100 Escudos (P-87, 88a, 89a), Portraits
at right end, Very Good-Fine; P-92, 99, 100, 105. Choice Uncirculated. 8
pieces. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1346Republica Portugueza Angola - Junta Da Moeda De Angola, ca.
1915-25 Essay Specimen Banknote.
Angola, 1 Angolar, P-Unlisted,
ND ca.1915-25, Unique essay design banknote engraved and printed
by Art Institut Orell Fussli Zurich, Dark gray-green on light green and
orange underprint, no serial numbers or overprints on note, the face is
ornate with cycloid engravings, the back is the same color with African
Masks on the left and right flanking a forest scene. Printed on thick paper,
The note appears GemUncirculated but there is an extremely light paper
clip bend in the top left corner and a thin strip of white paper is attached
to the left where this was evidently mounted in a sample book sometime
in the past. Extremely rare if not unique banknote that will enhance any
advanced collection. (ex.2011 NYINC, Ponterio & Associates, Lot 2254,
Sale 158). ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Arab Nations
1347 Various Arab Governments, Egypt, Lebanon, Iraq and others, ca.1942-1972, Group of 8 Issued NotesIncludes Lebanon 50 Piastres,
1942, P-37, Fine; Iraq 1 Dinar, 1959, P-53, VF with small tear; Egypt 1
Pound, 1943, P-22c, VF; and 1 Pound, 1961, P-37a, UNC; Libya 10 Dinars,
P-37b, Fine; and finally from Saudi Arabia 1 Riyal, P-2, 1956, Fine; and 1
Riyal, P-11, 1968 (2 pieces, one Fine, one VF). �����������������������������Est.
1348Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino, 1867-1869, Trio of Proof, Remainder & Issued NotesArgentina, trio of notes, includes 4 Reales
Bolivianos, 1867, P-S774r, UNC; a black & white engraver’s progress
obverse proof 5 Pesos Bolivianos, trimmed for registration purposes, AU
otherwise; and from the provisional Banco Domingo Garbino issue 1
Peso, 1869, P-S1802, hand stamped BANCO DOMINGO GARBINO on
obverse. The latter two ABNC. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
1349Banco Oxandaburu y Garbino, 1869, Remainder BanknoteArgentina, issued 20 Pesos Fuertes, 1869, P-S1794r, unsigned remainder,
AU+ condition. ABNC.�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.