Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
1338China, 1923, Almost Uncirculated Silver $1China, Yr. 23, silver $1,
L&M-110, graded by NGC AU58.�������������������������������������������������Est.
1339People’s Republic of China, 1980 Proof Set of 8 Olympic Copper CoinsChina, proof set of 8 coins in original presentation folder,
containing 8 copper 1 Yuan coins all commemorating the Olympics.
Included are coins with the following subjects: alpine skiing, ancient
soccer, figure skating, ancient archery, biathlon, ancient equestrian,
speed skating, and ancient wrestling. �������������������������������������������Est.
China - Taiwan
1340ChinaTaiwan 5Yuan, 1970, 10%Off Center Mint Error, NGC MS 65A very unusual coin in such high grade and as an error.��������������Est.
China, Hong Kong
1341People’s Republic of China, 1980, Pair of Lake Placid Olympic CoinsChina, pair of brass proof coins, includes 1 Yuan, KM# 22,
featuring speed skater; and KM# 32, 1 Yuan, KM# 32, featuring two
soccer players in ancient garb. Lot also includes Hong Kong, 1 Cent,
1877. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1342Bank of Algeria, 2003 Printer’s Design “Sample Dinar”Algeria,
printer’s experimental test “0000 Dinars” banknote, 2010, serial # 39146,
dark blue on multicolor underprint, sketch of city at center, circular
patterns at left and right, building low left, reverse, bright and colorful
with denomination low left, Arabic text with stylized city in background.
Unlisted in major catalogs and unrecorded, but has scenes of issued
P-129 as well as security features resembling issued P-142. Exceptionally
rare. Graded PMG 64 EPQ.�����������������������������������������������������������Est.
1343 Banque de L’Algerie, 1941-1948, Trio of Issued BanknotesAlgeria,
lot of 3 notes, includes 5 Francs, 1941, P-77b, Choice VF; 50 Francs,
1941, P-87, XF; and 20 Francs, 1948, P-103, F-VF with small hole in
title. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.