Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
498 U.S. Fractional Currency, Fr. 1267 15¢ Fourth Issue PCGS New 61PPQ.Fr. 1267 15¢ Fourth Issue PCGS Choice New 61PPQ. ���Est.
499 U.S. Fractional Currency, Fr. 1283 25¢, Second Issue, PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ. Error.The purple back is shifted left so that the
left edge of the shield is off the paper, and part of the note at the right is
showing. PMG has designated it as a “back shift error.” �������������Est.
500 U.S. Fractional Currency, Fr. 1339 50c Third Issue Spinner Type II with Wyman Courtesy Autograph , PCGS VF 35 Apparent.Fr.
1339 50c Third Issue Spinner Type II with Wyman Courtesy Autograph
This Type II Spinner boasts some light folds and a minor edge stain.
The embossing is original and bright bronzing remains. The highlight
of this piece is the courtesy autograph of A.U. Wyman, who was the US
Treasurer for one year from 1876-1877 and then for a two year stretch
from 1883-1885. Courtesy autographed fractional notes are usually
priced with a premium of $150-$200 and this note would be worth
around $100 on its own�����������������������������������������������������������������Est.
501 U.S. Fractional Currency, Fr. 1355SP 50¢ Third Issue Wide Margin Justice Face PCGS Apparent Choice About New 55.Fr. 1355SP 50¢
Third Issue Wide Margin Justice Face PCGS Apparent Choice About
New 55. This wide margin face was printed on “CSA” watermarked
paper and the “A” is visible on the left and right end. Hand signed by
Colby and Spinner, it has an ink erosion hole in Spinner’s signature.
PCGS gave it an apparent designation due to this ink erosion and edge
tears that do not extend into the design. ��������������������������������������Est.
502 U.S. FRN, 1928; 1928A & 1928B Series with Numeral Districts and Letters Assortment.U.S. Federal Reserve Note Group of 50 ($1000
Face Value), Includes Series of 1928, Tate | Mellon, 21 examples from
Atlanta, District 6 and a single example from Cleveland, Chicago and
St.Louis, all with Numerals on the left; Series 1928A, 15 examples from
Atlanta, District 6, and single ones from Richmond and St.Louis, all
with numerals on the left in the seal; Series of 1928B, Woods | Mellon
signatures, all with letters on left, no numerals, includes New York, San
Francisco, St. Louis and Chicago districts. Condition varies between fine
to Choice VF-XF with a couple possibly better. This is an estate group
that has stayed in the family since the 1920’s. Unfortunately no star notes
were found. Unsearched for varieties. (50 notes - $1000 Face)�Est.
503 Error F.R.N.: Fr. 2063-B $20 1950D Federal Reserve Note.Extremely Fine-About Uncirculated. A fold in the sheet in the lower left
corner fouled the cutting of this $20 ��������������������������������������������Est.
504 Federal Reserve Notes. Uncut Sheet of Sixteen. Fr. 1936-F $2 1995 Choice Uncirculated.Uncut sheets of $2s for this series were
printed at Fort Worth only for the Atlanta district. They utilized blocks
F-B through F-H������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.