Archives International Auctions - Sale 37
December 6 & 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
110 United States Steel Corp., 1903 Specimen Bond.New Jersey. $1000
Specimen 5% Sinking Find Gold Coupon Bond. Black with brown
border and underprint. Vignette at top of a steel mill with trains pulling
coal or ore cars in front of it. At bottom is a small picture of an American
Bald Eagle. Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF condition with coupons
attached. ABNC. In 1873, Andrew Carnegie founded Carnegie Steel Co.
In 1898, J.P. Morgan founded Federal Steel Co. In 1901, Ten different steel
companies, including Carnegie and Federal, merge to form the United
States Steel Corporation. Early U.S. Steel Company bond.����������Est.
Scripophily - Insurance
111 Aetna Insurance Co., ca.1950’s Specimen StockConnecticut. Odd
Shares Specimen Stock Certificate. Black print with a blue border and
under tint. Vignette of a village ruin Mount Aetna in the background.
Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition. ABNC.���������������Est.
112 Hartford Life, Inc., 1997 Specimen StockDelaware. Odd Shares
Class A Common Stock Certificate. Black print with a green margin at
left side. Vignette at top of Abraham Lincoln and a Buck at the lower left
side. Pin punched specimen, VF-XF condition. ABNC. ���������������Est.
113 National Life Insurance Co., ca.1900-1920 Specimen CertificateChicago, Illinois. Odd Shares Specimen Certificate. Black print with
simple black border and small embellishments at corners. Image of
American Bald Eagle at top holding a shield in his talons. Specimen
overprints, POC’s, XF condition. CBNC. ���������������������������������������Est.
114 Maccabees, ca.1911-1920 Specimen Insurance Membership Policy.$1000 Specimen Term Life Insurance Policy. Black print with
a nice green border and under tint. Fine condition, Benefits would
be reduced if death occurred within the first year from cancer or
Tuberculosis. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.