Archives International Auctions - Sale 37
December 6 & 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comUnited Kingdom
98 United Kingdom, 1978 Specimen BondUnited Kingdom. $100000
Specimen 8 7/8% 15 Year Registered Bond. Black print with simple
green border on left side of certificate. Coat of arms of United Kingdom
at top. Specimen overprint, POC’s, XF condition. �����������������������Est.
99 Republic of Uruguay, 1930 Specimen BondUruguay. $500 Specimen
6% External Fund Sinking Gold Bond, Public Works Loan. Black print
with a pink/red border and under tint. Coat of arms of Uruguay at top
flanked by two male allegorical figures. Specimen overprint, POC’s, VF-
XF condition with coupons attached. ABNC. ��������������������������������Est.
100 Estados Unidos De Venezuela, Deuda Nacional Interna Consolidada 1896 Specimen Bond.Caracas, Venezuela, 1896. Odd-
Mil Bolivares, Ser.10a. Ornate blue-green border without coupons,
Venezuelan arms on top, ornate title with Bolivar below. VF-XF
condition. POC’s. ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Scripophily - Government
New York
101 Custom House, Collectors Office, 1867 Drawback Certificate, Endorsed and Signed by Charles Pratt on back.New York, Act of
1861, $25.75 due from the U. S. to Chas. Pratt, signed on verso. Harbor
vignette, orange and black, notable, VF. National BNC. (From the
collection of John E. Herzog). ������������������������������������������������������Est.