Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
1072 St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Co. 1905. Specimen Bond.Missouri. $1000 Seven Year 4 1/2% Specimen Gold Coupon Note or
Bond. Black on green border and under print. Locomotive in countryside.
POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints. VF condition. ABNC. Attractive
railroad bond with unlisted design and date in Cox. ��������������������Est.
1073St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad Co., 1900, “Northwestern Division” Specimen Bond.Missouri, $500 4% 1st Mortgage Purchase
Money Gold Specimen Bond, Black printing with red border and
under print, Locomotive moving over trestle top center, POC’s and red
SPECIMEN overprints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Listed railroad in Cox
but unlisted bond, date and design variety. ����������������������������������Est.
1074St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Co., 1881, $1000 Specimen Bond.Missouri & Arkansas, 1881, $1000 5% General
Consolidated Railway and Land Grant Mortgage Specimen Bond, Black
printing with green border and under print, Moving locomotive top
center passing Iron Mountain, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints,
VF condition, ABNC. Attractive design and rare as a specimen
bond. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1075 St.Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Co., 1903 “River and Gulf Divisions” Specimen Bond.Missouri. $1000, Specimen 1st
Mortgage 4%Gold Coupon Bond, Vertical format, black on green border
and undertint, Allegorical woman on top left in circle with Gryphon on
top, VF, International BNC. Unlisted denomination, color, bond design
and year in Cox. Rare and very attractive.������������������������������������Est.
1076St. Joseph Traction and Lighting Co., Specimen Bond.Missouri.
1893. $1000, 1st Mortgage 5% 10 year, Gold Bond. Green border and
under print, Street car city scene on top with allegorical cherub on
bottom. Specimen, POC’s, Coupons attached. VF- XF. Rare and attractive
Missouri railroad bond. Listed railroad in Cox, unlisted as bond, only as
stock. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
New Hampshire
1077 Sullivan County Railroad, 1894 Specimen Bond.New Hampshire.
$1000. 1st Mortgage 4% Gold Coupon Bond. Green ornate border and
undertint. Train R-L over title. VF condition. Red specimen overprint
and POC’s. ABNC. Unlisted railroad in Cox. Rare New Hampshire
railroad bond..�������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.