Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
942 Venice and MuranoGlass Co., LTD., 1889 Issued StockItaly. 1 Share
I/U Stock Certificate. Black print with ornate black border of a venetian
winged lion. XF condition. Low certificate number, 76. Murano glass
is glass made on the Venetian island of Murano, which has specialized
in fancy glass-wares for centuries. Murano’s glassmakers led Europe for
centuries, developing or refining many technologies including crystalline
glass, enameled glass (smalto), glass with threads of gold (aventurine),
multicolored glass (millefiori), milk glass (lattimo), and imitation
gemstones made of glass. Rare and historic certificate. (John E.Herzog
943 Dai Ichi Kikwan Hoken Kabushiki Kwaisha, (The No.1 Engine and Boiler Insurance Co.) 1931 Issued StockJapan. 10 Shares Issued
and Uncancelled Stock Certificate. Company name translates to The
No.1 Engine and Boiler Insurance Co., LTD. Black print with a green
border and a light green under print. Portrait of James Watt, Scottish
inventor, at center of certificate. James Watt helped to improve on the
steam engine, and the unit of power, the watt, is named after him. XF
condition, certificate is in English and Japanese. Scarce Japanese and
English text on Japanese Stock Certificate. (John E.Herzog Collection).
944 City of Oslo Specimen Bond.Norway, 1958, $1000, 5 1/2% Sinking
Fund External Loan Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under
print, Two sitting allegorical men flanking Norway crest top center, Red
SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n “00000”, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. Black stamp on bottom left “Last specimen return to Broad St
945 Polish Issued Stock Certificate, 1916 with Hebrew Text on backPoland. 1000 Rubbles 4 1/2% Issued and Uncancelled Bond. Black print
with an ornate red/orange border and underprint. Vignette of people
in a field working the land. Back of certificate is translated into Hebrew,
Russian, German, and English. XF condition with most of the coupons
still attached. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
946 Polish Issued Stock Certificate, 1916 with Hebrew Text on backPoland. 5000 Rubbles 4 1/2% Issued and Uncancelled Bond. Black print
with an ornate grey border and underprint. Vignette of people in a field
working the land. Back of certificate is translated into Hebrew, Russian,
German, and English. XF condition with most of the coupons still
947 Russian Corporation Ltd. Specimen Stock.England & Russia, 19xx,
Specimen Stock, Black on brown border and under print, Ornate border
and red seal bottom center, VF-XF condition, Bradbury, Wilkinson &