Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
936 Caja de Credito Hipotecario, ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondChile.
$10 Specimen 2%-5% Series 4A Bond. Black print with a multi color
border; brown, green, and blue, with a blue under print. Vignette of
steer and cattle at top of certificate with the farmer barely visible behind
them. Certificate is written in Spanish, Specimen overprints, POC’s, XF
condition with all coupons attached, ABNC. ���������������������������������Est.
937 Compania SalitreraAnglo-Lautaro 1956 Specimen Bond.Santiago,
Chile, Specimen bond. $1000 5% horizontal bond. Orange border. Red
SPECIMEN overprint and POC. Coupons attached. VF Condition.
ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
938 Banco Territorial en Guayaquil ca.1900-1920 Specimen BondEcuador. 1000 Sucres Specimen 8% Coupon Bond. Black ink with brown
border and under print. Vignette of allegorical figure at top center of
certificate. Specimen overprints, POC’s, ABNC. Very Fine, edge tone.
French Indo China
939 Banque de Cochinchine, French Indo China 1908 Issued Bond.French Indo China. 250 Franc Issued and Uncancelled Bond. Ornate
design with buildings on top and farmers working in the field on bottom,
printed in black on red paper. VF condition. Very attractive and scarce.
(John E.Herzog Collection). ���������������������������������������������������������Est.
Great Britain
940 The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.Great Britain. November 1, 1919, $1000, Specimen 3 Year 5
1/2% Convertible Coupon Gold Note, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Rare
Post WW I Government bond. (From the collection of John E. Herzog).
941 Kingdomof Italy, 1925 IssuedBond.Italy. $100 Issued andUncancelled
7% External Loan Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond. Black print with
a blue border and under print. Allegorical male figure at top center of
certificate. Fine to VF condition minor tear and with 24 coupons missing.
ABNC. Rarely seen issued. (John E.Herzog Collection). ������������Est.