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December 11,2015

Archives International Auctions


726 ABNC, USBNC and BEP examples.

Includes BEPCity ofWashington

views in color (2); USBNC bit of America, a miner drinking coffee;

ABNC litho of the Brooklyn Ferry terminal and Brooklyn Bridge in

background; ABNC 10-page booklet: Detection and Recognition of

Fraudulent Securities. Plus three boards with litho defiant eagle at

top. As made. 8 pieces.��������������������������������������������������������Est.



727 Four sample pages of Engravings

Borders & Ornaments, and

Vignettes from United States Banknote Corp. Six images on one

sheet from ABNC, and a BEP Robert E. Lee. Nice group of the art

form. 4 pages. ���������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.



728 Giori 15-subject Test Sheet.

United States. Plate numbers 171297,

171283, 171295, 171282, 171279 in left and right margins, at bottom

notations #16 probablyWednesday, 2nd direct (no dryer).The center

images include four United States FRN portraits of Lincoln, Jefferson

and Grant. Two lines as separations inked in red near lower right.

Folded vertically three times, one affecting first column of notes,

the second fold is in the center of the page and the third is nicely

in the margins between second and third columns. A horizontal fold

is between the second and third row. Quite unusual in this form.

Uniface. As made. ������������������������������������������������������������� Est.



729 Great Locofoco Juggernaut. Ca. 1838.

Intaglio faux banknote with

poem engraved the Locofo Shinplaster Engraving Co., attributed to

D. C. Johnson. Full plate impression on large card perhaps from the

1971 special reprint of the Malcolm Johnson work. ���������������� Est.



730 Proof page of Washington, Lincoln, Indian Chief and female.

Examples from Republic BNC and ABNC Intaglio engravings

mounted to reference book page with what may be die numbers at

each. 19 images individually pasted to page. ����������������������� Est.



731 Security Banknote Co. proofs.

Large plate proof from 1955 Annual

Report cover with changes for 1956. Two different sizes of Employee

identification card. 3 intaglio prints. Great internal use documents.

As made.���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
