Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
24 May, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2381 Chinese-American Bank of Commerce, 1920 Second Issue Specimen.China, 1920. $1. P-S235s2. (S/M #C271-2). Specimen
banknote. Blue on m/c underprint with Statue of Liberty on
left, floral wreath and shield at right, back is red. Red specimen
overprint, “00000” serial numbers and POC’s. The note appears
Choice to GemUncirculated but there is a small line of graffiti on
the top right corner. ABNC.�����������������������������������������
HK $5000-9000
2382 Chinese-American Bank of Commerce, 1920 Second Issue Specimen.China, 1920. $5. P-S236s4. (S/M #C271-3). Specimen
banknote. Brown on m/c underprint with Statue of liberty in
middle. back orange, Red specimen overprint, “00000” serial
numbers and POC’s. Cut close on top, otherwise it would grade
Uncirculated to CU condition. ABNC. �������������������������
HK $5000-9000
2383 Exchange Bank of China, 1920 “Tientsin” Issue.China, $5,
P-S305a, S/M#C256-2b, Issued banknote, Red, Choice to Gem
Uncirculated. Rarely seen this nice.�����������������������������
HK $2000-4000
2384 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Issue Specimen Banknote.Shanghai, China, 1905. $5, P-S419s, S/M
#M10-2. Specimen banknote. Green and m/c face, Eagle on
building flanked by 2 globes, back green, Two printed signatures.
Specimen overprints and POC’s. Choice to Gem Uncirculated
condition. ABNC. �����������������������������������������������������
HK $6000-12000
2385 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Branch Issue Specimen.Shanghai Branch, 1905, $10, P-S420s
(S/M#M10-3), Specimen banknote, Brown on m/c face and
orange back, Specimen overprints, “00000” serial numbers and
POC’s, Two printed signatures. Gem Uncirculated condition with
large even margins, bright colors, sharp corners and exceptional
paper quality. ABNC. This note will be very difficult to improve
upon. ������������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $8000-16000
2386 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Issue Specimen Banknote.Shanghai, China, 1905, $10, P-S420s
(S/M#M10-3), Specimen banknote, Brown on m/c face, Eagle on
building flanked by 2 globes, back orange, Specimen overprints,
“00000” serial numbers and POC’s, Two printed signatures.
Choice to GemUncirculated condition. ABNC. ���������
HK $6000-12000