Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong April 12, 2014 - page 62

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
12 April, 2014
Archives International Auctions
Exciting “Cuba Collection” of
Chinese Banknotes found in an old family
estate from Pre-Castro Cuba.
The following 10 lots of $10 IBC issued
notes are one of the nicest groups to
come to auction in many years and usually
found issued in lesser condition.
1791 Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai
Branch, 1900-23 Dollar Local Currency Issue.
Shanghai, Chi-
na. 1st March, 1923. $5. P-S353, S/M#Y13-40. Issued banknote.
Blue on m/c. “FIVE” undertint in middle, bank arms at top. 1 chop
marks on face and one on back. S/N 637775, VF condition with
good paper body, bright colors and large even margins with only
2 very small pin holes in body of note that are difficult to see, at-
tractive example of this relatively scarce note. From the “Cuba
Collection”. BW&C.�����������������������������������������������������
HK $3900-7800
1792 Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation, Shanghai
Branch, 1900-23 Dollar Local Currency Issue.
Shanghai, China.
1st September, 1923. $10. P-S358, S/M#Y13-41. Issued banknote.
Light green on m/c. “TEN” undertint in middle, bank arms at top.
S/N 439095, Choice VF condition with exceptional paper body,
bright colors, large even margins sharp corners and a superior
example for the grade with claims to XF status with only a little
light handling keeping this exceptional note from a higher des-
ignation, attractive example of this scarce note. From the “Cuba
Collection”. BW&C.���������������������������������������������������
HK $7800-15500
1793 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Branch
Shanghai, China. 1905. $10, P-S420a (S/M#M10-3). Issued
banknote, Signature Type 1, the face is Brown on m/c with ea-
gle on building flanked by globes, back dark orange. S/N 103681,
Choice VF with firm paper, bright colors and sharp corners, Black
hand stamp seal on back lower right corner, From the “Cuba Col-
lection”, ABNC. ������������������������������������������������������
HK $2300-4700
1794 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Branch
Shanghai, China. 1905. $10, P-S420a (S/M#M10-3). Issued
banknote, Signature Type 1, the face is Brown on m/c with ea-
gle on building flanked by globes, back dark orange. S/N 84315,
Choice VF with firm paper, bright colors and sharp corners, From
the “Cuba Collection”, ABNC. ���������������������������������
HK $2300-4700
1795 International Banking Corporation, 1905 “Shanghai” Branch
Shanghai, China. 1905. $10, P-S420a (S/M#M10-3). Issued
banknote, Signature Type 1, the face is Brown on m/c with ea-
gle on building flanked by globes, back dark orange. S/N 94623,
Choice VF with firm paper, bright colors and sharp corners, Black
hand stamp seal on back top right corner, From the “Cuba Collec-
tion”, ABNC. �����������������������������������������������������������
HK $2300-4700
1...,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61 63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,...92
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