Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong April 12, 2014 - page 54

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
12 April, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1741 Peoples Bank of China, 1948 Issue Banknote.
China, 1948, 100
Yuan, P-807a, (S/M#C282-10), Block 231, S/N 58495922, Issued
banknote, Brown-violet on light blue underprint with olive green
guilloche in center, factory at left, locomotive on right, PMGgrad-
ed Choice Fine 15 NET with notations of repairs with evidence of
small margin tears on the top and left margins. 1 of 15 graded and
authenticated by PMG, rare note in any condition, �����
HK $2700-5400
1742 Peoples Bank of China, 1948 Issue Uniface Specimen Pair.
of 2 items, 100 Yuan, P-808sf & sb (S/M#C282-9), Uniface front
and back specimen, S/N 008682, The face is graded PMG graded
About Uncirculated 53 and the back About Uncirculated 55. At-
tractive and scarce note.���������������������������������������������
HK $2300-4700
1743 Peoples Republic of China, 1949 Issued Banknote.
China, 5
Yuan, p-813, S/M#C282-21, Issued banknote, S/N 76749064, Unc.
to CU. �������������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $3100-4700
China, 10 Yuan,
P-816a, S/M#C282-23, No Watermark, Block 123, S/N 40967143,
PMG graded Choice Unc. 63. Attractive for issue.��������
HK $3100-6200
1745 Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue Banknote.
China, 1949, 20
Yuan, P-824a, (S/M#C282-33), Block 132, S/N 1842464, Issued
banknote, Bluish purple on light green underprint, workers push-
ing ore car at center, Without Watermark, Exceptional appearing
note that is PMG graded About Uncirculated 55 NET due to an
extremely small tear in the border area that is difficult to view as
well as an extremely light corner bend that keeps this lovely note
from Uncirculated, large even margin, sharp corners and bright
colors only enhance this note. ������������������������������������
HK $3900-7800
1746 Peoples Bank of China, 1949 High Grade Issue Banknote.
na, 50Yuan, P-828, S/M#C282-37, Issued banknote, Block III-I-IV,
S/N 521090, Gray-olive with brown guilloche at left, steam roller
on right, back reddish brown, Extremely attractive note that ap-
pears in Choice to Gem Uncirculated, please view and judge for
yourself. Scarce note in this high of grade. ���������������
HK $5800-11600
1747 Peoples Bank of China, 1949 Issue Banknote Assortment.
China, Lot of 6 notes, Includes 50 Yuan, P-830, S/M#C282-36,
graffiti on back, VF; 100 Yuan, P-836, S/M#C282-46, Fine;
1000 Yuan, P-847, S/M#C282-61, VF to XF; 1000 Yuan, P-849,
S/M#C282-60, Fine with 3 strong vertical folds; 10,000 Yuan,
P-853, S/M#C282-67, VF; 10,000 Yuan, P-854, S/M#C282-66,
Fine with strong vertical middle fold and small splits on
top and bottom middle edges at folds. Useful banknote
assortment. ����������������������������������������������������������������
HK $4700-9300
1...,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,...92
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