Archives International Auctions in Hong Kong April 12, 2014 - page 28

Archives International Auctions - Hong Kong
12 April, 2014
Archives International Auctions
1598 Chinese Engineering and Mining Co., Ltd. 1921, 5 Shares, Is-
sued and Uncancelled stock.
China. Coupons attached, Uncan-
celled, Attractive and scarce certificate. ���������������������
HK $1600-3100
1599 Chinese Government, 5%, Reorganisation Loan of 1913, Un-
cancelled Bond.
China, 1913, £100, bond with no coupons at-
tached. XF condition with crisp paper. W&S. Endorsed by the
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corp.���������������������
HK $2300-4700
1600 Chinese Imperial Government, Honan Railway 5% Gold Loan
of 1905 Uncancelled Bond.
China, 1905, £100, black on green
border, VF condition but taped to frame that could possibly be
soaked. �����������������������������������������������������������������������
HK $800-1600
1601 Chinese Imperial Railway, Canton-Kowloon Railway, 5% Gold
Loan of 1907 Uncancelled Bond.
China, 1907, £100, black on red
border, VF condition but taped to frame that could possibly be
soaked, 18 coupons attached. W&S ������������������������������
HK $600-1200
1602 Guangshen Railway Company Limited, Specimen ADR Stock
ND (ca. 1970-80’s), Odd Shares, American Depositary
Shares, Vignette of train with man and woman on top, Specimen
overprints, Uncirculated condition, Northern BNC. �����
HK $800-1600
1603 Imperial Chinese Government, 5% Gold Loan of 1908 Uncan-
celled Bond.
China, 1905, £100, black on purple border, VF con-
dition but taped to frame that could possibly be soaked, No cou-
pons attached. W&S. ����������������������������������������������������
HK $600-1200
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