Archives International Auctions - Sale AIAXXXIII
June 28, 2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comFaeroes and Estonia
1041Faeroer and Eesti Pank andVabariigi. 1940-49 Issues.Foroyar. 1, 5,
10 Kronur Issues. P-9 (stain); 14 (3); 16a; 5 Marka; 10 Krooni (2); P-45a;
63a (2). Generally Fine-Very Fine. One or two better. 8 pieces.������ Est.
1042Republique Francaise and French Equatorial Africa issues.France.
500 Francs. P-106. Very Fine; French Equatorial Africa. 5 Francs. P-6.
Uncirculated. Bold embossing. P-15. VF Rub area on bottom front. 3
Guinea and Guine-Bissau
1043Banque Centrale de la Republique Guinee and Banque Central da Guine-Bissau issues.Guinea. 1, 2, 5, 10 Sylis; 25, 50, 100, 500,
1000 Francs. Fine-Very Fine (6); Uncirculated (6); 50, 100, 1000 Pesos.
Generally Uncirculated (12). 24 pieces.�������������������������������������������� Est.
Isle of Man and Jersey
1044Isle of Man and Jersey issues.Isle of Man. 50 Pence. P-27a;
Jersey. P-11a. Both feature Elizabeth II. Both Choice Uncirculated. 2
Lebanon and Syria
1045BanquedeSyrieet duLiban, RepubliqueLibanaiseandRepublique Syriene issues.Lebanon. 25 Piastres. P-42 1950; Syria. 10, 25 Piastres;
1 Pound. P-40a, c (3), f; 51 (2); 56 (5). Mostly Good. Well matched. 13
Montenegro, Serbia and Yugoslavia
1046Montenegro, Serbia andYugoslavia lot.Montenegro. 1 Perper. P-1a,
Italian Occupation. 20 Dinara. P-R11 with two hand stamps. ; Serbia. 500
Dinara. P-27b; Yugoslavia. 1/2 Dinara, 2 Kroni. P-11; 14.100, 500 Dinara.
1955. P-69, 70. Mostly Fine or so. 7 pieces. ������������������������������������� Est.
Netherlands and Netherlands Indies
1047Netherlands and Netherlands Indies Muntbiljet issues.Netherlands. 1, 2-1/2, 10 Gulden; P-64a, 65a, 66a. Netherlands Indies.
50 Cent, 1 Gulden. P-110a; 111a (2). Mostly Fine. Some with graffiti or
rough edges. 6 pieces. ���������������������������������������������������������������������Est.