Archives International Auctions AIAXXXI
February 23, 2016
Archives International Auctions
494 Compania del Ferrocarril Nacional de Tehuantepec, 5% £20 and £100 Uncancelled Bond Pair.Lot of 2 bonds, Mexico. 1905, 5% Gold
Bond, Series B and Series C. In English, German and Spanish, coupons
attached. Fine to VF condition. ����������������������������������������������������Est.
495 National Railroad Co. of Mexico Bond.Mexico, 1903, $1000,
Registered Specimen 5% Gold Bond, Green border with locomotive
vignette, XF. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
496 National Railroad Co. of Mexico. 1902.Mexico. $500 4-1/2% Gold
Bond. Issued with payment notations thru 1982. International BNC.
Very Fine+. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
497 Detroit Suburban Railway, 1907 Specimen Bond Used as a Model.Detroit, Michigan, Specimen Bond extension for Detroit United Railway,
Black without border, Red production department ink notations
referencing plate numbers, Fine to VF condition, Possibly unique
specimen removed from Calvert Lith. Sample book, Calvert Lith. Listed
railroad in Cox, unlisted with this date, design, printer and color. Rare.
498 Detroit United Railway, 1910 Specimen Bond Used as a Model.Detroit, Michigan, $1000, Specimen 5% Collateral Trust Gold Coupon
Bond, Black on orange border, Red production department ink notations
referencing plate numbers, Fine to VF condition, Possibly unique
specimen removed from Calvert Lith. Sample book, Calvert Lith. Listed
railroad in Cox, unlisted with this date, design, printer and color. Rare.