Archives International Auctions- AIAXXXI
February 23,2016
Archives International Auctions
248 Casa De Becerra Hermanos, Urique, 1887 Scrip Note Rarity.Unique, Chihuahua, Mexico. 1887, 1 Peso, Serie E, P-UNL, M665, PR-
Chi-24, Issued banknote, S/N 2878, black on off white toned paper,
Seated allegorical woman in middle, Printed back with logo in middle,
PMG graded Very Fine 25. Unlisted year, series and with printed back,
Extremely Rare. First time offered by us. ���������������������������������Est.
249 Casa De Becerra Hermanos, Urique, 1888 Scrip Note Rarity.Unique, Chihuahua, Mexico. 1888, 25 centavos, Serie F, P-UNL, M664,
PR-Chi-23, Issued banknote, S/N 215, black on off white paper, upside
down bank safe on left and man with horse on right, back with oval hand
stamp, Unlisted with back stamp, PMG graded Very Fine 25. Extremely
Rare. First time offered by us.���������������������������������������������������Est.
250 Banco de Londres Mexico y Sud America Proof Front and Back Color Trials. (ca. 1868-81).Mexico. 20 Pesos, P-S221p, beautiful
unlisted Proof color trials, India paper on cards, the front is all blue with
brown underprint, burros carry packs along mountain trail, woman
reclines near globe, sailor with telescope. The note itself is Choice to
Gem Uncirculated, the upper right corer of the card is lightly scuffed.
The all blue back features two oval “20” counters flanking a complex
geometric lathe design. No issued notes are reported. [2] �������Est.
251 Banco De Mexico, 1971 Color Trial “Printer’s Essay” ProofBanknote.
Mexico. March 24, 1971, 100 pesos, P-61pe (Printer’s Essay).
Printed on india paper on card, Brown instead of issued black, no back
proof included, Plate #111162 on top excess margin. Bottom right
margin has hand written “Final Proof - 7/6/71”, PMG Graded Superb
Gem Unc. 67 EPQ. Very possibly unique. ABNC. ���������������������Est.
252 Banco de Mexico. 1971, 1977 Issue.Mexico. 120, 20 Pesos. P-63d (46);
64d (40). Features Hidalgo and Morelos. Consecutive serial #s but for
a 10 note gap in the latter group. All Choice to Gem Uncirculated. 96
253 Banco de Mexico. 2000 Issue. 75thAnniversary Commemoratives.Mexico. 20, 50, 100, 200 Pesos. P-111 (4 consecutive serial #), 112, 113,
114. 25.8.2000. All with bold embossing. All Very Choice Uncirculated. 4
pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection).���������������������������������������������Est.
254 Banco de Mexico. 2000-01 Issue.Mexico. 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000
Pesos. First dated 17.5.2001, others 18.10.2000. First dates of the types.
Mix of substrates, polymer and paper and various security components.
All Very Choice Uncirculated except for the 100 and 200 which have the
slightest corner bend mentioned for accuracy. 6 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz