Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1421 Reading Co. 1930 Specimen Registered Bond.Pennsylvania.
19xx. $10000 Registered General and Refunding Mortgage 4 1/2 %
Gold Bond, green frame, Locomotive vignette, ABNC�������� Est.
1422 Union Passenger Railway Co. 1871 Issued Bond with ImprintedRevenue.
PA. $1000 7% Bond. No Coupons, POCs thru signatures.
Nice horse drawn car vignette at bottom center. ABNC litho. Low
certificate #25. VF+ ������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Pennsylvania & Ohio
1423 Groups from the Columbus &Xenia Rail Road Co and the SharonRailway.
Pennsylvania: Sharon Railway, 1892. Issued/cancelled. 15
pieces; Ohio. Columbus &Xenia Rail RoadCo. 1850s-60s. 29 pieces.
Issued/cancelled. Overall Fine. ��������������������������������������������Est.
South Carolina
1424 South Carolina Rail Road Co. 1866, 1868.SC. Two different 500
Pounds, 5% Loan Bonds. Issued. Cancelled. 1866 With Coupons,
1868 with no Coupons, Large inked cancellation. ����������������Est.
1425 South Carolina Rail Road Co. 1866.SC. 500 Pounds, 5% Loan.
Issued. Cancelled. No Coupons, Large inked cancellation. ���� Est.
South Dakota
1426 National Suspended Monorail Co. 1918.SD. 50 Shrs Stock
Certificate. Issued. Uncancelled. Paper separation at folds. Fine.