Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1305 Conversion Office for German Foreign Debts, 1936 Bond Pair.Germany. $1000 Coupon Bond with three coupons (1945-46) still
attached. Large format, one with a 1/2 edge tear mentioned for
accuracy. 2 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1306 Validation Certificate for German Dollar Bonds - Free State ofBavaria.
Germany and NewYork, 1952, $1000 SpecimenValidation
Certificate, Allegorical women, children and man on left by
Foringer, Specimen certificate black on green underprint, POC,
back blank, Uncirculated to CU condition. Rare specimen of this
important Post-War document that guaranteed and verified the
U.S. Dollar Bonds issued for German Properties and municipalities
by the U.S.. ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Germany & Hungary
1307 Bremen, Leipzig and Budapest Bonds 1920-22.Germany: Bremen
(2), Leipzig. Hungary: Budapest. 4 pages with loose coupon page. 3
pieces. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Great Britain
1308 Group of British Stocks & Bonds.Great Britain. A colorful
assortment of stocks or bonds. Some with transfer paperwork.
Nearly all Cancelled. Slight duplication. MostlyVery Fine with some
edge damage or tone. 29 pieces������������������������������������������� Est.
1309 Government of India, 1960.India. 1000 Rupees 3-1/2% Bond.
Several interest payment endorsements on back. VF+ ��������Est.
1310 Hundi Short term 1950s loan certificates with George VI 2 Anna tax forms. 11 pieces.India. Short term loan forms from Calcutta.
Fingerprints. GenerallyVF+. 11 pieces �����������������������������������Est.