Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
1185 Postage Stamp Currency, 1915.Serbia. 5, 10, 50 Para. Peter II with
military staff in the field. SCWPM 15, 16, 21. Never Hinged, original
gum. Mint. 3 pieces. ������������������������������������������������������������Est.
South & Central America
1186 South and Central America Banknote Assortment, ca.1940-80’s.
Brazil (120), Bolivia (2), Chile (13), Cuba, Mexico, Paraguay
(15) assortment. A few Brazil notes stained and water damaged.
A variety of types and denominations, some nice, some awful or
damaged. Over 150 pieces. �������������������������������������������������Est.
South America
1187 Central & South America group.Argentina, Brazil, Mexico,
Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Cuba, El Salvador.
Mostly Uncirculated, but a fewVF. 25 pieces ������������������������ Est.
South Korea
1188 Bank of Korea. 1953 ND Issue.South Korea. 1, 10 Won. SCWPM
11a (3) Very Fine; 13 (2) Very Good-Fine. 5 pieces.. ��������������� Est.
South Viet Nam
1189 National Bank of Viet Nam.South Viet Nam. 1, 5, 20, 100, 500,
1000 Dong. SCWPM 1a (5); 2a (2); 8a; 6a; 16a (2); 18a; 19b; 24a (2);
26a (3); 33a; 34a. 20 Zu, R2 (2). Viet Nam. 100 Dong SCWPM 105a.
Mostly Fine-Very Fine, a fewUncirculated. 24 pieces.������������Est.
1190 Banco de Espana, Lot of 100 Pesos notes.Spain. 100 Pesos.
Includes SCWPM 69 (18); 76 (9); 152 (13). One or two of the latter
with graffiti. GenerallyVery Good to Fine. 40 pieces. ���������Est.
1191 Banco de Espana, Lot of 50 Pesos.Spain. 50 Pesos. Includes
SCWPM 75 (6); 82 (2); 88 (3). GenerallyVeryGood to Fine. 11 pieces.
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