Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comFrench Afars & Issas
1077 Tresor Public. 1975 ND Issue.French Afars & Issas. Train at center,
camels on back. NiceVery Fine.�������������������������������������������� Est.
French Guiana
1078 FrenchGuiana, Banquede l’Indo-Chine,Noumea;NewHebrides,French Guiana. 5 Francs. SCWPM 1 Both as short snorters, one
Identified to Camp Rochambeau. New Caledonia. 1, 5, 20, Francs.
SCWPM 36a, b (12); 37a (2), b (2); 50b, 55a. NewHebrides. 5 Francs.
SCWPM 1 as a short snorter, right end missing. Mostly Fair-Good,
some with paper loss. 21 pieces.����������������������������������������� Est.
French Indo-China
1079 Banque de L’Indochine.French Indo-China. 1, 5, 10, 20, 100, 500
Francs.Very good or so. 17 pieces, one with aViet Namhand stamp.
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1080 Gouvernement General de L’Indochine.French Indo-China. 5, 10,
20, 50Cents, 1, 20, 100 Piastres, plus an earlyViet Nam issue. Good-
Very Good. 40 pieces�������������������������������������������������������������Est.
French Somaliland
1081 Banque de L’Indochine - Djibouti. 1928 Issue.French Somaliland.
100 Francs. SCWPM 8. Female at center holding statue of Athena.
Large format note. Nice Fine+ but for tape repairs at right margin.
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French West Africa
1082 Afrique Occidentale Francaise. Banque de l’Afrique Occidentale.French West Africa. 1 Franc. SCWPM 34b. Fine, edge tone and
graffiti DAKAR in margin; 5 Francs. SCWPM 36. 21.11.1953. Fine,
some edge tone. 2 pieces.�����������������������������������������������������Est.