Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 14, 2015
Archives International Auctions
2378 Pogrebetsky Plate Notes from1929 Banknote Book.Changchun,
China. Changchun Manmeng Agricultural Bank, 1919, 50 Yuan,
p-Unlisted, Issued Private Banknote, Green on gray-green, revenue
stamp on top middle, back black on light orange,VG condition with
reinforced fold, edge tears and small faults. This is the plate note
fromPogrebetsky’s 1929ChineseBanknote bookwith thematching
page from his personal reference collection. Also includes a signed,
cancelled and torn check with Pogrebetsky’s signature from Chase
Bank, Shanghai that was used as a book mark. �����������������Est.
2379 Pogrebetsky Plate Notes from 1929 Banknote Book.Fu-Tien,
China. ND, ca.1910-20’s, $10, P-Unlisted, face has black text, blue
frame and orange underprint with gate at left and mountain and
water scene at right, back is red on light blue underprint, Issued,
S/N 55437, Choice Fine condition with 3 strong vertical folds and
1 horizontal fold with 2 small areas of tape remnants, otherwise
bright colors and firm paper body only enhance this rare note.
The back English title is “The Yunnan “Foo Tien” Bank. This is the
plate note pictured in Pogrebetsky’s rare banknote book from his
personal reference collection. �����������������������������������������Est.
Straits Settlements
2380 Government of the Straits Settlements. 1919 Issue.Straits
Settlements. 10 Cents. SCWPM 8b. Signature title of Treasurer.
Very Good, strong fold at right, light graffiti on back. ������� Est.
2381 Government of the Straits Settlements, 1931 Issue Banknote.Straits Settlements, 1931, $1, P-16a KNB20a-d, Issued banknote,
Blue on m/c, King George V on right, tiger on blue back, S/N A/99
02536, PMG graded Very Fine 20, Rarely seen first date, BW&C,
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
2382 Government of the Straits Settlements. 1935 Issue.Straits
Settlements. 1 Dollar. SCWPM 16b. 1.1.1935. Last date of the type.
George V at right, tiger at center on back. BW&Co. Nice Fine-Very
Fine, small stain in top right margin and at center on back.Est.
2383 Straits Settlements Coin Assortment. 1897-1927.5 Cents - 1900
EF, 1901VF; 10 Cents - 1897H EF, 1900VF-EF light scratches, 1900H
VF-EF, 1901VF, 1903 F-VF, 1910 F, 1918 EF, 1926VG, 1927VF-EF; 20
Cents - 1907 VF-EF; 50 Cents - 1920 EF; Dollar - 1907 F-VF. Must be
seen, sold as is, no returns. [14]�����������������������������������������Est.