December 11,2015
Archives International Auctions
7 Commonwealth of Australia, ND (1953-60) Issue Sequential Banknote Pair.Australia, ND (1953-60), Both are sequential 1
Pound, P-30 (R33), Issued Banknote pair, Portrait of Queen Elizabeth
II at right, Black on green underprint, S/N HI/13 495133 and 495134,
SignatureCoombs -Wilson, PMG gradedChoiceUncirculated 64 and
About Uncirculated 55. Attractive banknote pair. ����������������Est.
Australia Replacement Star Note Pair
8 Commonwealth of Australia, ND (1953-60) Replacement / StarNote.
Australia, 1953, £1 Star Note, P-30*, R33S, RB10, Coombs |
Wilson, S/N HA/93 33368*, PMG graded Choice Fine 15, scarce note.
������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
9 Commonwealth of Australia, ND (1966) Replacement / STAR*.Australia, ND (1966), $2, P-38ar R81S, Issued banknote, S/N ZFE
43710*, Signatures Coombs - Wilson, PMG graded Very Fine 25,
Attractive note for grade. Scarce with Star. ������������������������ Est.
10 Commonwealth of Australia, Reserve Bank issues.Australia. 10
Shillings, 1, 2 pounds. SCWPM 33a (3); 42 (8); 43 (2), First are Very
Good, others Fine or quite better, one with corner paper loss. 13
11 Reserve Bank of Australia, 1992 Polymer Issue.Australia. 5 Dollars.
7.7.1992 and (19)92. SCWPM50a (3). Elizabeth II at center. Fraser and
Cole signatures. The dated example is from a presentation folder.
Elizabeth II at center. Includes Light serial # (AA34) and dark serial
# (AA98) varieties. All Very Choice Uncirculated or better. 3 pieces.
(Arthur C. Matz Collection) �������������������������������������������������� Est.
12 Reserve Bank of Australia, 1992 Polymer Issue.Australia. 5 Dollars.
(19)93. SCWPM 50b (3). Fraser and Evans signatures. First and last
prefixes AA93 and EA 93, prefix from folder AA94. All Very Choice
Uncirculated. 3 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) �������������� Est.
13 Reserve Bank of Australia, 1992 Polymer Issue.Australia. 5
Dollars. (19)95, (19)96. SCWPM 51a (5). Elizabeth II at center. Fraser
and Evans signatures. Includes AA95 (from folder); CM95, BA96
(first prefix), EA96 (last prefix), AA96 (from folder). All Very Choice
Uncirculated or better. 5 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection) Est.
14 Reserve Bank of Australia, 1992 Polymer Issue.Australia. 5 Dollars.
(19)95. SCWPM 51b. Elizabeth II at center. Narrow hashmarks within
orientationmarks at lower left. Fraser and Evans signature. Repeater
serial # 464646. Very Choice Uncirculated or better. (Arthur C. Matz