Archives International Auctions AIA XXX
December 11, 2015
Archives International Auctions
827 Fifth Issue 50 Cents plus others.US. 50 Cents Series of 1875. Fr.
1381. William Crawford at left, white paper. Very Fine. Also includes
very work 10, 25, and 50 Cent notes of various issues. The 25 cent 1st
issue fractional is a contemporary counterfeit. Finally a Cleveland 1
Dollar 1934 note. 5 pieces.���������������������������������������������������Est.
828 Fr. 1341 50 Cent Fractional Currency Choice Abt. Unc. 58 EPQFr.
1341, 50 cent; Third Issue Spinner Type II PMG graded Choice About
New 58 EPQ. Bold bronzing inks, originality and great borders
highlight this note. ��������������������������������������������������������������Est.
829 Fractional Currency. 5, 10, Cents.United States. First Issue 5 Cents,
Fr. 1229Very Good, mounted on top back to card stock; 10 Cents, Fr.
1258 Very Fine; 10 Cents, Fr. 1266 Short key. Very Fine +. 3 pieces.
�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Encased Postage Pair
830 Ayers Sarsaparilla Medium Ayers, 1 Cent, Encased Postage.EP-
4A, 1 Cent, Ayers Sarsaparilla Medium Ayers, VF, 1861 Issue 1 Cents
stamp, This is the medium Ayers variety which is not commonly
seen in this denomination. The stamp is bright and well centered ,
however, there is a split in the mica at about 12:00 and a bit of dust
has gotten inside. Case is in above average condition with some
tinning remaining. ������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
831 J. Gault Plain Frame, 12 Cents, Encased Postage.EP-148, 12 Cent
Black, J. Gault Plain Frame, 1861 Issue 12 Cents stamp, VF/XF, A
clean example of one of the more common 12 Cent Encased Postage
Stamps,There is a slight “ding” at about 3:00 as well as a copper spot
at 9:00. The Stamp is above average and the mica looks VF to XF.
���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est.
Outstanding Gem Unc. $5 FR#846
832 FRN, Boston, $5, 1914, Fr#846, Burke | HoustonBoston, MA. $5,
1914, Fr#846, 1-A, S/N A24975295A pp C, Blue Seal, PMG graded
GemUncirculated 65 EPQ, attractive note. ���������������������Est.
833 Gold Certificate. 1922.United States. 10 Dollars. Fr. 1173. Michael
Hillegas at center. Speelman-White signature. Very Good and
a bit dirty form use. Cut tight at bottom. Pencil grafitti near
834 Legal Tender Note. 1917.United States. 1 Dollar. Fr. 38. George
Washington at center, Columbus in sight of land at left. Elliott-White
signatures. Fine.��������������������������������������������������������������������Est.