Archives International Auctions- AIAXXVII
August 4,2015
Archives International Auctions
445 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co. 1927 Specimen Stock Certificate.MI.
100 Shrs Temporary Stock Certificate Specimen. ABNC. VF, rough
top edge.������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
446 REO Motors, Inc., ND ca.1920-40’s) Specimen Stock Certificate.Michigan. 100 Shares, Black on brown border and underprint, Alle-
gorical men flank REO logo, XF condition. ABNC. Rare as specimen.
447 Gardner Motor Company, Inc., (ca.1920-31) Specimen.St.Louis,
Missouri. < than 100 Shares, Specimen, XF ABNC, early automobile
company that produced cars between 1920 and 1931. ��������� Est.
New York
448 NewYork Transportation Company, ca. 1910-20, Specimen.NY, <
than 100 Shares, Specimen, Old fashioned double decker bus and
early automobile passing Customs House downtown, Early bus and
Taxi company. XF, ABNC.�����������������������������������������������������Est.
449 Parenti Motors Corporation, 1920-1922 Automobile Stock Certif-icate.
Buffalo, New York, 15 shares, I/U, Signed by Parenti as pres-
ident, the company could not sell enough to stay in business. Rare
stock certificate from this short lived automobile. XF. ���������� Est.
450 Fageol Motors Company (of Ohio), 1925 StockCertificate.Ohio, 25
Shares, I/C, Eagle on top, Green border and undertint, S/N 183, VF.
Scarce auto certificate. RBNC.�����������������������������������������������Est.