Archives International Auctions AIAXXVII
August 4, 2015
Archives International Auctions
42 Bank of Taiwan, 1950 Branch Issue Sequential Pair.Taiwan, Chi-
na. Lot of 2 notes, Sequential pair, 1950 (1952), 10 Yuan, Issued
banknote, Blue on light yellow underprint, SYS top center, back blue,
Vertical format, 5Chinese character overprint left and right vertically
flanking denomination. S/N D786577U - D786578U, GemUncirculat-
ed with large even margins and a very fresh appearance. Attractive
high grade notes. FPFT - The First Printing Factory.������������Est.
43 Bank of Taiwan, 1950-1951 “Kinmen (Quemoy)” Issue.Taiwan,
China. Lot of 2 notes. Both are 1950 (1952) notes, 50 cents, P-R104b
S/M#T74-11, Issued banknotes, Brown on light orange red undertint
on face, SYS top center, back brown, Vertical format, “Chin Men”
overprint on left and right on back. Sequential S/N’s AA 827088 &AA
827089, Both would grade Choice to Gem Uncirculated. Attractive
banknotes. CPF. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
44 Bank of Taiwan, 1950-1951 “Kinmen (Quemoy)” Issue.Taiwan,
China. Lot of 2 notes. Both are 1950 (1952) notes, 50 cents, P-R104b
S/M#T74-11, Issued banknotes, Brown on light orange red undertint
on face, SYS top center, back brown, Vertical format, “Chin Men”
overprint on left and right on back. Sequential S/N’s AA 827086 &AA
827087, Both would grade Choice to Gem Uncirculated. Attractive
banknotes. CPF. ������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
45 Bank of Taiwan, 1955 “Kinmen (Quemoy)” Issue High GradeBanknote Pair.
Taiwan, Lot of 2 notes, both are sequential 1955
Kinmen issues, Includes 5 Yuan, P-R108, S/M#T74-40, Violet, SYS
in middle, bank with bank building, S/N AA756576 & 77, Both would
grade Choice to Gem Uncirculated. Attractive high grade notes.
Printing Factory Bank of Taiwan. �����������������������������������������Est.