Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part I
October 24, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comOn behalf of the entire Archives International Auctions team, I would like to personally
welcome you to our twenty-ninth auction we have held over the last eight years as well as
this being our fifth auction that we have the honor of holding at the Museum of American
Finance in conjunction with the Wall Street Coin Currency and Collectibles show. We are
privileged to offer another large selection of U.S. & Worldwide Banknotes, Scripophily,
Security Printing Ephemera, coins and hundreds of rare and exciting items that rarely
come up for auction. There will be items of interest for every level of collector as well as
dealer and specialists.
In addition to over 400 lots of scripophily including an impressive collection from a
“Southern Gentleman” of Confederate bonds including state and city bonds and
Confederate banknotes as well as Southern States Notes, we are also offering an
impressive collection of early U.S. banking proof and issued stocks and bonds as well
as an outstanding offering of U.S. Liberty Loans and Federal Bonds. Additionally, we
are privileged to offer the first portion of the Arthur C. Matz collection of modern world
banknotes. Arthur is well known to collectors as the long time editor of the L.A.N.S.A.
journal and as a contributor to the Standard Catalog of World Paper Money. He has
recently been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the IBNS for his contributions to the
hobby. We are also pleased to offer the Harry L. Rinker collection of U.S. Colonial
banknotes. Harry is known for his syndicated weekly column on antiques and collectibles
as well as his weekly radio program “Whatcha got?” on Sunday mornings. He also edited
Warman’s Antiques and Collectibles Price Guide in addition to numerous other titles.
We are in the process of getting ready for our 6th Chinese and Asian Banknote and Coin
auction including the second portion of the “Alexander I. Pogrebetsky Family Archives”
and also a recently discovered “Shanghai Banker’s Collection” that will take place the
end of November to the beginning of December 2015 as well as holding at least one and
possibly two more Live Internet sales before the end of the year. If you have suitable
material, we are still seeking consignments for our upcoming 2015-2016 auctions. I would
like to thank everyone who has participated in our previous auctions and has helped
make this auction series a resounding success. We are looking forward to another
exciting auction and hope you enjoy our current offerings.
Best of luck,
Bob Schwartz