Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comVarious Countries
821 Gibraltar,Guernsey & Isle of Man. Includes:Gibraltar(4CNCrowns),
Guernsey (30, including 1, 4, and 8 Doubles), Isle of Man (31, of which
24 are CN Crowns). Mostly EF to Choice Uncirculated. Most of the
Guernsey coppers areVery Good or a bit better. 65 pieces.�� Est.
822 Seychelles thru Turkey.Includes: Seychelles (1), Suriname (1),
Sweden (19), Switzerland (27, including 15 Francs, 6-2 francs and a
5 Francs), Syria (3), Turkey (2). Mostly mid-20th Century. Generally
Very Good to Fine, a few better. 53 pieces. ���������������������������� Est.
823 World Coins - Group of minors.World Coin Selection, 1700s-1900s.
Includes 51 with silver content, 188 in base metal, 4 metal Notgeld,
2 brass weights and aWWI US Treasury made fromGerman Cannon
medallette. Housed in PVC plastic holders which have affected
the surface feel of the coins, or caused verdigris on the low silver-
content issues. Coin Condition before storage issues were Good
to Uncirculated, and generally towards to lower end. Should be
inspected. Over 240 pieces.��������������������������������������������������� Est.
Byzantine and Medieval
824 Byzantine Empire and early European coins.Byzantine Coppers
include: Justinian, Justin II, Maurice, Heraclms & Constantine,
ConstantineVII and Basil II, LeoVI,Constans II, Nicephorus II, Michael
IV, Constantine X, Roanus IV, Manuel I and a few unidentifiable.
Other issues form 1305-1702 include silver issues as well as some
coppers: Burgandy, Lorraine, Alavarre, Orange, France, Venice,
Avignon,Cambrai,Altenburg, Enns, Brandenburg, Passau, Neustadt,
Salzburg, Vienna, Strassbourg, Slavonia, Umayyads of Spain, Spain,
Hungary, Portugal, Sicily, Perguia, Milaan, Lucca, Venice and Naples.
Generally Good or a bit better. 64 pieces �����������������������������Est.
Greece, Arab, Indian, Chinese
825 Greece, Persia, and the East.Regions or Cities include: Macedonia,
Athens, Sardes, Ephesus, Syracuse, Aakragas, Messana, Thrace,
Pergamum,Thessaly, Sidon, Cyzicus, Carthage, Phonecia, Seleucids,
DanubianCelts; Also includes are exaples of Indo-Parthians,Vandals,
Timurids, Sultanate of Delhi, Mughals, Umayyads and a chinese
cash. Generally Fair-Good, a few better. 48 pieces.��������������Est.