Archives International Auctions AIA XXIX Part II
October 29, 2015
Archives International Auctions
669 Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1985; 1986 ND Issue Serial #1 Pack of 100 Notes.Iran, 100 Rials, P-140g, Khomeini
watermark, Signature #31, Issued banknotes, Unique First pack,
Serial’s 1 to 100, Prefix 1/6 000001 to 00100, Ayatollah Moddaress at
right, back with Parliament at left, Original yellow band holding pack
together. Rarely offered #1 pack from Iran.���������������������Est.
670 Kingdom of Iran, Bank of Melli, 1938 / AH1317 Banknote.Iran, 50
Rials, P-35Af, Issued banknote, Red date stamp 1320, PMG graded
Very Fine 30 NET with a note of a small rust spot, Western S/N,
Scarce note. ������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
671 Kingdom of Iran, Bank of Melli, 1938 / AH1317 Sequential Banknote Pair.Iran, Lot of 2 sequential notes, both are 10 Rials,
P-33Aa, without overprint, Issued banknote pair, Both are PMG
gradedChoice Extremely Fine 45 EPQ and appear AU at first glance..
672 National Bank of Persia, ca. 1930’s Large Die Portrait VignetteProofs.
Iran, Lot of 2 LDP’s all withMirza Reza Pahlevi No. 8 portraits,
Printed in india paper, one cut down. ABNC. �����������������������Est.
673 Central Bank of Iraq. 2003-04 Issue.Iraq. 50, 250, 500, 1000, 5000,
10000, 25000 Dinars. SCWPM 90 (2); 91 (2); 92 (2), 93 (2), 94a 95a (2),
96a. All Choice Uncirculated. 12 pieces. (Arthur C. Matz Collection)
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674 Irish Republic, 1866 Issued Circulating Banknote-Bond.Ireland,
$5, Issued, Black with green seal, back green, S/N 1924, Allegorical
woman with dog and soldier at left and portrait of man on right.
VG with tears, faults and reinforced back as well as a large split that
could be reinforced. Continental BNC.���������������������������������Est.