722 Brunswick and Albany Rail Road Co., Issued Bond.
1869. I/U bond. $1000. 2nd Mort. 7% Bond. XF condition.
Locomotive passing river and town. Coupons attached. Signed by
Charles L.Frost as President and Henry Clews as Treasurer. Henry
Clews was born in England. He emigrated to the United States
c.1850 and joined an import business as a junior clerk. His own firm,
Clews and Company, was formed in 1877. Refusing public office, he
nevertheless organized the “Committee of 70, “ which deposed the
Tweed Ring in New York City. He served as President Grant’s eco-
nomic consultant in Japan and wrote and lectured widely on diverse
social, political, and economic issues. He wrote Fifty Years in Wall
Street (1908). Rare, attractive and historic bond. .........
Est. $250-500
723 Georgia Rail Road and Banking Co., Specimen Bond.
ND, $1000, 5% Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print, Portrait of gentleman bottom center and moving locomotive
seaside with town in the distance, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprint,
VF condition, ABNC. Railroad and bond listed in Cox. ..
Est. $150-300
724 Chicago and North Western Railway Co., Specimen Bond.
Illinois, 1920, $1000, 1st and Refunding Mortgage 4 1/2% Gold
Registered Specimen Bond, Series C, Black on green border and
underprint, Locomotive r-l top center passing railway track workers,
VF condition, ABNC. Unlisted bond in Cox. ..................
Est. $250-500
725 Chicago and North Western Railway Co., Specimen Bond.
ND, $10000, 4% General Mortgage Gold Specimen Registered
Bond, Black on red border and underprint, Reclined
allegorical woman top center flanked by vignette of locomotive
being unload at terminal and men carrying bags of flour, VF condi-
tion, ABNC. ..................................................................
Est. $140-280
726 Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad, Specimen Bond.
1927, $1000, 6% Series A 1st Mortgage Gold Specimen Bond, Black
on green border and underprint, Locomotive and workers at railway
yard, POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC.
Listed railroad in Cox but unlisted bond. Red overprint in center
notifying holder that bond is no longer payable in gold red stamp on
bottom left border reads “this bond has been issued after January 1,
1934. “ ...........................................................................
Est. $250-500
727 Evansville, Indianapolis & Terre Haute Railway Co., Specimen
Indiana, 1920, $5000, 1st Mortgage 7% Gold Specimen
Bond, Black on blue border and underprint, Locomotives in
railway yards with workers top center, VF condition, ABNC. Unlisted
bond in Cox. .................................................................
Est. $250-500
728 Evansville, Mt. Carmel and Northern Railway Co., Specimen
Indiana, 1910, $5000, 50 Year Mortgage Gold
Specimen Bond, Black on purple border and underprint,
Locomotives at station top center, VF condition, ABNC. Unlisted
bond in Cox. .................................................................
Est. $250-500
Indiana, Illinois & Ohio
729 Indiana, Bloomington and Western Railway Company 1879
Issued Stock Certificate.
Indianapolis, Indiana. 1879, 3
Shares, Issued and uncancelled, Locomotive #24 R-L, S/N 1247,
Black without underprint, VF condition, Listed railroad as bonds
only, no stock issue listed in Cox. Franklin Engraving & Printing Co.
Rare and attractive. The railroad operated in Indiana, Illinois and
Ohio. ............................................................................
Est. $250-400
Iowa and Nebraska
730 Sioux City and Pacific Railroad Co., Specimen Bond.
Iowa and
Nebraska, 1901, $1000, 1st Mortgage 3 1/2% Gold Specimen Bond,
Vertical format, Coupons attached, POC’s and red s/n “00000 “,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $200-400
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions