713 Boston, Hartford & Erie Rail Road Co. 1872 Stock Certificate
with Imprinted Revenue RN-U1
New York and Connecticut. June
1, 1872, 10 Shares, Issued and ink cancelled, Locomotive right to left
at station, S/N A 9838, Imprinted revenue RN-U1 and stamped
Dutch revenue on middle right, Scarce issued stcok certificate.
Issued to Wertheim & Gompertz. Charles F. Ketcham, NY.
Est. $250-500
714 McLeod Air Railroad Signal Co. Issued Stock.
1880, 1 Share, Issued Stock, Black on green border and underprint,
Three vignettes top center middle one is of moving locomotive, one
on right depicts scene of railway crash with dead horse and passen-
ger, vignette on left is of a railway crossing with the “McLeod “ Air
Railroad signal system to save lives, VF-XF condition, J.H. Buffords
Sons Lithography. ........................................................
Est. $350-500
715 Naugatuck Railroad Co., Specimen Bond.
Connecticut, 1904,
$1000, 1st Mortgage 4% 50 year Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical for-
mat, Coupons attached, Locomotive at station top center, POC’s ,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $180-360
716 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. Specimen
Connecticut, 18xx, $1000, Series A Registered Specimen
Bond, Black on brown border and underprint, Moving locomotive l-
r top left corner, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC. ................
Est. $250-500
717 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co., 1906,
Specimen Bond.
Connecticut, 1906, $10000, 50 Year 4%
Registered Debenture, Specimen Bond, Black on brown border and
underprint, Locomotive leaving railway hard with workers on the
right, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC. ................................
Est. $120-240
718 New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co., Specimen
Connecticut, 1908, $1000, 6% Specimen Bond, Vertical for-
mat, Coupons attached, locomotive top center l-r with electric trol-
ley on left and oceanliner on right, VF-XF condition, ABNC. Listed
railroad unlisted bond in Cox. ........................................
Est. $150-300
719 Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co., Issued Stock.
Connecticut, 1889, I/U Stock, 100 Shares, #B379, Black on green
border and underprint, Eagle with shield bottom center, VF condi-
tion, ABNC. Listed railroad and stock in Cox. ITASB C.P.
Huntington, railroad president. ....................................
Est. $150-250
720 Atlantic, Okeechobee and Gulf Railway Co., Specimen Stock.
Florida, 19xx, Specimen Stock, <100 Shares, Black on blue border
and underprint, Moving locomotive top center, Red Cancelled over-
prints and POC's, VF-XF condition, SBNC. Unlisted railroad and
bond in Cox. .................................................................
Est. $300-600
721 Manatee Light and Traction Co., Specimen Bond.
190x, Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on brown border and
underprint, Light bulb top center, Red SPECIMEN overprint and
POC’s, SBNC. Unlisted railroad and stock in Cox. ..........
Est. $350-700
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions