627 Evening Star Silver Mining Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1880,
100 Shares, Issued Stock, Black on black border and underprint,
Vignette of men mining bottom right with men working at furnaces
top center, VF-XF condition, Colgate & Hetsch. ...........
Est. $120-240
628 Los Angeles Mining and Smelting Co. Issued Stock.
New York,
1886, 18 Shares, I/U stock certificate, Black with olive border,
Allegorical tropical woman with palm fronds and lamp with bananas
at her feet under ornate and very attractive title, Cert.# 241, XF con-
dition. Scarce and attractive Western mining certificate. Kendall
BNC. .............................................................................
Est. $250-500
629 Nellie Gold Mining Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1884, 1000
Shares, Issued and uncancelled, black vignette and title with green
border, miners working in middle, gold foil seal lower left, Cert.#57,
XF with 2 storage folds, Scarce Colorado mine. .............
Est. $90-180
630 New York, Philadelphia & Baltimore Consolidated Petroleum
& Mining Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1866, 500 Shares,
Specimen Stock, Black on black border and underprint, Oil wells
with many oil barrels top right, VF-XF condition, Hatch Co.
Est. $200-400
631 Potomac Copper Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1853, I/U Stock,
#247, 100 Shares, VF condition, W.H. Arthur & Co. ......
Est. $200-300
632 Starr-Grove Silver Mining Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1881,
100 Shares, Issued Stock, black on blue border and underprint,
Reclined allegorical woman top center with arm over sun setting
behind mountains and lake Bald Eagle perched to her right, VF-XF
condition, ABNC. ..........................................................
Est. $100-200
633 Tioga Coal, Iron, Mining & Manufacturing Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1842, 100 Shares, Issued Stock, Black print with ornate
borders, Vignette of very early locomotive top center flanked by
portraits of notable gentlemen, VF condition, DTLC. ....
Est. $150-300
634 Stroud’s Run Petroleum Mining and Manufacturing Co.,
Issued Bond.
Ohio, 1866, I/U Preferred Stock, 100 Shares, #58,
Interest Coupons attached, Black print with ornate black border red
underprint and green seal bottom left, Mining vignette on left and
oil well on right with view of mine with mining camp and lake with
ships top center, VF condition, J. Hachnlen. .................
Est. $200-400
635 William Penn Coal Co. Issued Stock.
Pennsylvania, 1856, 340
Shares, Issued Stock, Miners underground, William Penn middle
right, VF condition, BBC. ...............................................
Est. $120-240
636 Stormont Mining Co. of Utah, Issued Stock.
Utah, 1887, I/U
Stock, #3847, 100 Shares, Black on green border and underprint,
Vignette of cherubs on U.S. coins holding sword and arrow, XF con-
dition, ABNC. ................................................................
Est. $100-200
637 Utah Fuel Co., Specimen Bond.
Utah, 1901, $1000, 5% 30 Year
1st Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Specimen Bond, Black on blue bor-
der and underprint, Mining scene vignettes top center, POC’s red
SPECIMEN overprints and red s/n “00000 “, VF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $120-240
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions