616 Bell Silver and Copper Mining Co., Issued Stock.
Montana, 1881, I/U Stock, #1020, 250 Shares, Black print with
ornate border and Liberty Bell vignette, VF condition, L.F. Lawrence
& Co. ............................................................................
Est. $150-300
617 Boulder Mining and Reduction Co. Issued Stock.
1886, 5000 Shares, Issued Shares, Black ornate border, View of the
surface building of a mining operation, VF-XF condition, Tribune
Fremont. ......................................................................
Est. $100-200
618 Copper Bell Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Montana, 1890,
500 Shares, Issued Stock, Black on brown border and underprint,
Mining vignette top center, VF-XF condition, Pioneer Press
Lithography. .................................................................
Est. $120-240
619 Helena Concentrating Co. Issued Stock.
Montana, 1886, 750
Shares, Issued Stock, Black on black border with pink underprint,
Mining vignette bottom left, VF-XF condition, Journal Publishing
Co. ...............................................................................
Est. $140-280
620 Nellie Grant Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Montana, 1886, 3162
Shares, Specimen Shares, Black ornate border, Mining vignette top
center, VF-XF condition, Gies & Co. ..............................
Est. $120-240
621 Elko Consolidated Mining Co. Issued Stock.
1879, 100 Shares,
Issued Stock, black on black border and underprint, VF-XF condi-
tion, Crocker & Co. print. ..............................................
Est. $90-180
622 Elmira Silver Bullion Co., Issued Stock.
Nevada, 1864, I/U Stock,
5 Shares, #11, Black print with black ornate border, Mining vignette
top center vignette of dog in lower left margin and lady with shield
in top left margin, VF condition, Francis & Loutrel. Red 25cent
Washington revenue stamp on right. ...........................
Est. $150-300
623 Steamboat Silver Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Nevada, 1864,
20 Shares, Issued Stock, black on black border and underprint,
Moving steamboat top right, VF-XF condition, Towne & Bacon,
Printers. .......................................................................
Est. $220-440
624 Stranger Gold and Silver Mining Co., Issued Stocks Lot of 2.
Nevada, 1864, I/U Stock, 5 & 34 Shares, #’s120 & 116, Black print
with ornate black border and mine shed vignette in center, VF con-
dition, J.P. LeCount, Stationer. Red 25cent Washington revenue
stamp on left. Location of mine is Reese River District, Lander
County, Nevada. ...........................................................
Est. $250-500
New York
625 Central American Syndicate Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1886,
I/U Stock, #259, 14 Shares, Black on brown border and underprint,
large plantation, VF condition, KBNC. ..........................
Est. $100-200
626 Columbia County Iron Mining Co., 1868 issued Bond.
Columbia County, New York, 1868, $1000, 7% Bond, Issued and
uncancelled, Black with green underprint, Coupons attached, NY
arms at center, S/N 74, VF condition, Early New York Mining com-
pany. Ferd, Mayer. ........................................................
Est. $100-200
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions