576 Greger Manufacturing Co. Issued Stock.
1900, 5 Shares
Issued and Uncancelled, S/N 1921, Black on green border and under-
print, Vignette of road top center with steel grate, VF condition,
SBNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $90-180
New York
577 Adirondack Co., Issued Bond.
New York, 1864, $1000, 7%
Construction Bond, #404, Coupons attached, Black on red border
and underprint, Vignette of man with axe cutting down tree on left
and iron workers on right, VF condition, Latimer Bros & Seymour.
Very rare certificate with only 3-4 known. ....................
Est. $100-200
Scripophily - Medical
578 Empire Medicinal Plaster Co. Issued Stock.
New York,
1883, 2 Shares, Issued Stock, Black ornate border with gold seal bot-
tom left, New York State seal top center with moving locomotive on
the left and steamship on the right, VF condition, Corlies, Macy &
Co. ................................................................................
Est. $120-240
Scripophily - Mining
579 Alaska Gold Syndicate Co., Issued Stock.
Alaska, 1897,
I/U Stock, #3343, 100 Shares, Black on brown border and under-
print, Mining vignette top center, VF condition with slight toning,
HBNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $250-500
580 Chicago-Yukon Commercial Co., Alaska related Stock
Illinois, 1898, I/U Stock, #82, 100 Shares, Bald Eagle
vignette on left, VF condition, Goes. .............................
Est. $120-240
581 Flambeau-Hastings Co. Issued Stock.
Arizona, 1906, 1000
Shares, Issued Stock, Black on brown border and underprint,
Vignette top center of gold mine operation with vignette of men
mining for gold on left and men panning for gold right, VF-XF con-
dition. ...........................................................................
Est. $250-500
582 Gravina Mining Co. Issued Stock.
Alaska, 1897, 9600 Shares,
Issued Stock, Black on green border and underprint, VF-XF condi-
tion. ..............................................................................
Est. $250-500
583 National Cape Nome Gold Mining and Transportation Co. of
Alaska, Specimen Bond.
Alaska. 1900. Issued and Uncancelled.
1000 Shares. Cert.#260. Green border with light green underprint,
Large mining contraption on upper left with ornate title. Mines
located at Cape Nome, Alaska. XF condition. Rare, early and attrac-
tive Alaska mining certificate. ......................................
Est. $300-600
584 Newsboy Mining Co., Alaska Mine.
Alaska, 1914, I/U Stock,
#651, 500 Shares, Black print on gold border and underprint, Mining
vignette top left, VF condition. ......................................
Est. $200-400
585 Pande Basin Gold Placer Co., Issued Stock,
Alaska, 1900,
16,400 Shares, Issued and uncancelled, Black and burgundy, no
vignette, Trustee’s Certificate, XF condition, S/N 350, Incorp. in WV,
Issued to and signed by M.L. Muhlemann as Trustee, Rare early
Alaska gold rush certificate. Rare Trustees certificate with only 3 or
4 found of this variety. The Pande Basin is near Sitka on Baranof
Island, off the coast of the southern part of Alaska. Very probably a
scam business deal with an 1899 newspaper account of the share-
holders revolting against the management and the mention (sar-
castically) that all of the gold probably slid into the lake during the
tunnel excavation. ........................................................
Est. $200-400
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions