567 United States Steel Corp., Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1901,
$5000, Series A 50 Year 5% Gold Specimen Bond, Black on pink bor-
der and underprint, Steel manufacturing plant and rail yards bottom
center with allegorical figures top center one holding a locomotive
and the other a sword, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints and red s/n
“00000 “, VF condition, ABNC. .....................................
Est. $600-1200
New York
568 Damascus Steel & Iron Co., Issued Stock.
New York, 1860, I/U
Stock, #66, 50 Shares, iron mill vignette, VF condition, Snyder,
Black & Sturn. ..............................................................
Est. $250-500
569 General Electric Co., Specimen Bond.
New York, 1920, $500, 20
Year 6% Coupon Gold Debenture Specimen Bond, Black on green
border and underprint, Angel holding light top center, POC’s and
Red SPECIMEN overprints, VF condition, ABNC. ..........
Est. $450-900
570 General Electric Company Historic 1902 Specimen Bond.
York, NY, 1902, $500, 3 1/2% Gold Debenture Bond of 1902,
Coupons attached, Allegorical woman hoding telephone abnd bat-
tery with cherub in background, Black on slate blue border and
underprint, Specimen overprints, POC’s, Fine to VF condition,
ABNC. Rare and early G.E. Bond. .................................
Est. $500-1000
571 Merchants & Mechanics Exchange of New York Specimen
New York, 1910, $1000, First Mortgage 20 Year 6%
Specimen Bond, Black on orange border and underprint, Bald Eagle
top center, VF-XF condition, Security BNC. ...................
Est. $150-250
572 Nottingham Manufacturing Co. Issued Stock.
New York, 1883,
2 Shares, I/U Stock, S/N 433, Black ornate border with orange under-
print and seal, Two lions flanking the company’s seal top center with
allegorical woman on left, VF condition, Henry Seibert & Bro.
Lithography. .................................................................
Est. $100-200
573 Toledo Novelty Works Issued Stock.
Ohio, 1859, 20 Shares,
Issued Stock, Vignette of man working on metal object on right and
Lady Liberty holding shield in front of factory to the left, VF condi-
tion. ..............................................................................
Est. $130-260
574 Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., Specimen Bond.
Pennsylvania, 1920, $500, 7% Gold Specimen Bond, Black on purple
border and underprint, Mercury sitting on manufacturing device
flanked by two globes, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints and red s/n
“00000 “, VF condition, ABNC. .....................................
Est. $120-240
575 Franklin Co. Issued Stock.
Vermont, 1846, 1 Share, Issued Stock,
Portrait of Franklin bottom left allegorical women top left and cen-
ter, VF condition, Rawdon, Wright & Hatch. ..................
Est. $150-300
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions