437 Punta Alegre Sugar Co., Issued Stock.
Delaware, 1928, I/U
Stock, # C17064, 100 Shares, Black on green border and underprint,
Men in sugar field harvesting sugar cane top center, VF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $150-300
438 Salamanca Sugar Co. Specimen Bond.
Cuba, 1923, $100, 1st
Mortgage 20 Year 8% Gold Specimen Bond, Black on blue border
and underprint, POC’s, Vignette top center of horses carrying buggy
with sugar cane, VF condition, ABNC. ...........................
Est. $220-440
439 Salamanca Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
Cuba, 1923, $1000, 1st
Mortgage 20 Year 8% Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical format,
Coupons attached, Black print on green border and underprint,
Sugar cane farming top center, Red SPECIMEN overprints POC’s
and red s/n “00000 “, VF condition, ABNC. ....................
Est. $250-500
440 Salamanca Sugar Co., Specimen Stock.
Cuba, 19xx, Specimen
Stock, <100 Shares, Black on brown border and underprint, No
vignette, Red SPECIMEN overprints POC's and red s/n "00000", Fine
condition, ABNC. ..........................................................
Est. $150-300
441 Salamanca Sugar Co., Specimen Stock.
Cuba, 19xx, Specimen
Stock, Black on purple border and underprint, No vignette, Red
SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n “00000 “, Fine condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $150-300
442 Tacajo Sugar Corp., Specimen Bond.
New York, 1916, $1000,
7% 1st Mortgage Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print, Sugar cane farmers with ox pulled buggy filled with sugar
cane top center, Red SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n
“00000 “, VF condition, FLABNC. .................................
Est. $250-500
443 Vertientes-Camaguey Sugar Co., Specimen Stock.
1952, I/U Stock, 1 Share, NO13387, Black on pink border and under-
print, Three sitting allegorical figures top center, VF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $110-200
444 Vertientes-Camaguey Sugar Co., Specimen Stock.
Specimen Stock, <100 Shares, Black on brown border and under-
print, POC's, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ...........................
Est. $250-3000
445 City of Greater Prague, Specimen Bond.
Czechoslovakia, 1922,
$1000, 7 1/2% Mortgage Loan Specimen Bond, Vertical format,
Coupons attached, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC. Red stamp notifying
buyer of a reduction in interest rates. ............................
Est. $130-260
446 City of Carlsbad, Issued Bond.
Czech-Slovakia, 1924,
$1000, Municipal External Loan of 1924 8% 30 Year Sinking Fund
Gold Issued Bond, #M531, Black on green border and underprint,
Reclined allegorical woman top center with cherub and white doves
at fruit bowl, Fine condition with toning and splitting at horizontal
folds, HBNC. Red Stamp center reads “The holder of this Bond
accepts the terms of the Offer of the City of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad)
dated December 31st, 1946 which terms include guarantee by the
Czechoslovak State with respect to payment of interest, amortiza-
tion, and principal, reduction of interest to four per cent
per annum beginning with the coupon dated 1st January 1947, and
extension of maturity of the Bond to 1st January 1966. “ Speculative
bond. ............................................................................
Est. $100-200
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions