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427 Francisco Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1922, $500,
1st Mortgage 20 Year 7 1/2% Sinking Fund Gold Specimen Bond,
Black on green border and underprint, Two allegorical figures top
center with ocean behind them, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints
and red s/n “00000 “, VF condition, ABNC. ...................
Est. $200-400
428 Francisco Sugar Co., Specimen Stock Certificate and
Production File.
New Jersey, 1966, 100 Shares, Black on blue print
and underprint, Sugar cane farmers top center, POC’s, VF-XF condi-
tion, HBNC. Francisco Sugar production file with plant order form
stapled to front of specimen along with xerox copy of the certificate.
Est. $275-550
429 Guedes Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
New York, 1913, $1000, 7%
1st Mortgage Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print with no vignette, POC’s red SPECIMEN overprints and red s/n
“00000 “, VF condition, FLBNC. ....................................
Est. $180-360
430 Hormiguero Central Co., Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1890,
$1000, 1st Mortgage 8% Gold Specimen Bond, Coupons attached,
Horizontal format, Black on green border and underprint, Men car-
rying sugar cane from field top left, POC’s, Fine condition with tears
where folding occurred, ABNC. .....................................
Est. $350-700
431 Manati Sugar Co. Specimen Bond.
New York, 1912, $1000, 7%
2nd Mortgage 30 Year Specimen Bond, Black on red border and
underprint, Vignette top center of sugar can farmers harvesting
crop, VF-XF condition, ABNC. .......................................
Est. $200-400
432 Manati Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
Cuba, 1937, $100, 20
Year 4% Sinking Fund Specimen Bond, Vignette of sugar cane har-
vesting top center, Coupons attached, POC’s, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $200-400
433 Narcisa Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
New York, 1900, $1000,
Mortgage 6% Spanish Gold Specimen Bond or its equivalent in
American Gold, Horizontal format, Black print on green border and
underprint, Men rolling a large barrel top left, Red SPECIMEN over-
prints and POC’s and s/n “00000 “, VF condition, ABNC.
Est. $250-500
434 National Hotel of Cuba Specimen Bond.
Delaware, 1929, $1000,
30 Year 6% Income Debenture, Specimen Bond, Black on orange
border and underprint, Vignette top center of reclined woman on
beach with dove on hand, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ......
Est. $100-200
435 New Gomez Mena Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
Cuba, 19xx,
$10000, 2.5% Specimen Bond, Vertical format, Coupons attached,
Black print on green border and underprint, Allegorical figures top
center, Red SPECIMEN overprints and POC’s and s/n “00000 “, VF-
XF condition, FLABNC. .................................................
Est. $250-500
436 North American Sugar Co., Specimen Bond.
Cuba, 1923, $1000,
6 1/2% 1st Mortgage Gold Specimen Bond, Vertical format,
Coupons attached, Black print on green border and underprint, Bald
eagle top center, Red SPECIMEN overprints and PO’s and s/n
“00000 “, VF condition. .................................................
Est. $250-500
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions