243 Farmers &Merchants National Bank of Los Angeles Specimen
California, 19xx, 100 Shares, Specimen Stock, black on blue
border and underprint, Vignette of bank façade top center with sit-
ting male and female allegorical figures on either side, VF-XF condi-
tion, SBNC. ..................................................................
Est. $110-200
244 Aetna Insurance Co., Specimen Stock.
Connecticut, ND,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Blue print on blue border, Hills to vol-
cano top center, POC’s, VF-XF condition, FLD-ABNC. ...
Est. $100-200
245 Uncas National Bank of Norwich Specimen Stock.
18xx, Specimen Stock, Indian sitting on hill overlooking lake top
center iron worker on left margin, VF-XF condition, ABNC.
Est. $120-240
246 Bear Stearns Co., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1986, Specimen
Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border and underprint,
Allegorical woman holding wires and flanked by two globes top cen-
ter, VF-XF condition, SC-USBNC. Facsimile of Alan C. Greenberg
Chairman of the Board from 1985-2001. .......................
Est. $150-300
247 Bear Stearns Companies Inc., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1998,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on red border and underprint,
Winged woman holding wires flanked by two globes, VF-XF condi-
tion, ABNC. ...................................................................
Est. $110-150
248 Berkshire Hathaway Inc., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1996,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on blue border and underprint,
No vignette, VF-XF condition, SC-USBNC. ...................
Est. $200-400
249 Citicorp Person-to-Person Inc., Unique Stock Proof.
80’s. Ochre printed on light brown paper. Allegorical woman stand-
ing with torch with Citicorp logo. Registered panel pasted to face of
bond. Unique in archive. SC-USBNC. Unique model for unused stock
certificate design. ..........................................................
Est. $90-180
250 Dun & Bradstreet Corp., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1989,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on blue border and underprint,
Men holding hands top center, POC’s and black SPECIMEN over-
prints, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ....................................
Est. $90-180
251 E.F. Hutton & Co. Specimen Bond.
Delaware, 1980, 9 1/2%
Convertible Subordinated Debenture, Specimen Bond, Black on red
border and underprint, Woman with her hands below and above the
company’s name top center, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ...
Est. $120-240
252 E.F. Hutton & Co., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1972, Specimen
Stock, 100 Shares, Black on blue border and underprint, Lady with
flowing hair and company logo in between hands top center, POC’s,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. ................................................
Est. $200-400
253 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 19xx
(ca.2000’s), Specimen Stock, Black on multi colored border and
underprint, Picture on top right of 30 Pine St offices and portraits of
Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs top left, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $250-500
254 Hartford Life, Inc., Specimen Stock.
Delaware, 1997,
Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on green border and under-
print, Vignette on left of a buck in full color and top center the
Hartford Life offices and Lincoln and gentleman in front, VF-XF con-
dition, ABNC. ...............................................................
Est. $90-150
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions