1572Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Specimen Bond.
Massachusetts, 19xx, $-odd, Specimen Bond, Horizontal format,
Black on blue border and underprint, Boston harbor top center,
POC’s, Fine condition with vertical creases slight splitting and ton-
ing, ABNC. Loan was for the development of the port of Boston and
is exempt from taxation in Massachusetts. ...................
Est. $45-90
1573City of St. Louis, Specimen Bond.
Missouri, 1908, $1000, 4% St.
Louis Public Buildings and Public Improvement Specimen Bond,
Black on red border and underprint, Mississippi River aerial view top
center with State Seal bottom center, POC’s and red SPECIMEN
overprints, VF condition, ABNC. ...................................
Est. $120-240
1574 Territory of Montana, Issued Bonds Lot of 3.
Montana, 1868,
$50-$100, ic Bonds, Black print with red and blue borders, Vignette
of sailor on right border, Fine condition lot of 3, Montana Democrat
Print. ............................................................................
Est. $75-150
New Jersey
1575City of Newark Specimen Bond.
New Jersey, 1905, 3 1/2%
Storage Revenue Specimen Bond, Black on green border and under-
print, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC. ................................
Est. $75-150
New York
1576 City of New York, Specimen Bond.
New York, 1974, $5000, 7%
Serial Specimen Bond, Coupons attached, Black on olive border and
underprint, Vignette top center of Native American chief, POC’s,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. ................................................
Est. $65-120
Rhode Island
1577Rhode Island and Providence Plantations Specimen Bond.
Rhode Island, 1894, $1000, 3 1/2% Gold Bond State House
Construction Loan, Specimen Bond, Black on green border and
underprint, State capital building top center, VF condition,
ABNC. ...........................................................................
Est. $85-170
1578 City of Saskatoon Specimen Bond.
Saskatchewan, 1909, $1000,
5 1/2% Debenture, Specimen Bond, Black on green border and
underprint, Vignette top center of three locomotives belonging to
the G.T.P., C.N.R. and C.P.R., VF-XF condition, ABNC.
Est. $110-220
1579 State of Tennessee Specimen Bond.
Tennessee, 1921, $1000, 5
1/2% Hospital Bond, Specimen Bond, Black on violet border and
underprint, Vignette of hospital top center, VF-XF condition,
SBNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $65-130
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions