1562 Outlook Sports Technology, Inc. Specimen Stock.
1999, Specimen Stock, Titanium golf driver top center in red back-
ground color, VF-XF condition, ABNC ...........................
Est. $75-150
New York
1563 Rochester Community Baseball, Inc.
New York, ND, Specimen
Stock, Odd Shares, Black on blue border and underprint, Team logo
top center, Red SPECIMEN overprints POC’s and red s/n 00000 , VF-
XF condition, FLABNC. .................................................
Est. $120-240
1564 Roosevelt Raceway, Inc. Specimen Bond.
New York, 1968,
$1000, 7% 10 Year Subordinated Debenture, Specimen Bond,
Vertical Bond, Coupons attached, Raceway logo top center, Red
SPECIMEN overprint and POC’s, VF-XF condition, SCBNC.
Est. $90-180
Rhode Island
1565 Providence Hockey Club, Inc., Specimen Stock.
Rhode Island,
1969, Specimen Stock, Odd Shares, Black on pink border and under-
print, Team logo top center, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC.
Est. $75-150
Scripophily - State & City
1566 City of Savannah Bond Specimen Bond.
Georgia, 1909, $1000,
4 1/2% Funding Gold Bond, Specimen Bond, Black on green border
and underprint, Savannah harbor top center, VF-XF condition,
ABNC. ..........................................................................
Est. $40-80
1567 State of Georgia Specimen Bond.
Georgia, $1000, 4 1/4 %
Refunding Specimen Bond, Black on green border and underprint,
Portrait top center of notable gentleman, POC’s and red s/n 00000 ,
VF condition, ABNC. .....................................................
Est. $90-180
1568 City and County of Honolulu, Specimen Bond.
Hawaii, 1978,
5.4% General Obligation Specimen Bond, Vertical format, Coupons
attached, Black on red-brown border and underprint, Photo of
Honolulu from the air, VF-XF condition with only minor horizontal
crease, SCBNC. ............................................................
Est. $140-280
1569 Louisiana Certificate of Claim for Reduction of Capital Bond.
Louisiana, 1876, $1000, 6% Loan Conversion to 7% Loan, Issued
Bond, Black on black border and underprint, VF-XF
condition. .....................................................................
Est. $80-160
1570 State of Louisiana Issued Bond.
Louisiana, 1871, $1000, 8%
Bond, Black on brown border and underprint, Allegorical women
top right and left, VF condition, National BNC. .............
Est. $80-120
1571City of Taunton Specimen Bond.
Massachusetts, 19xx, $1000,
Registered Water Loan Bond, Specimen Bond, Black on black bor-
der and underprint, VF-XF condition, ABNC. ................
Est. $45-90
Archives International Auctions, Part XII
October 20-23, 2012
Archives International Auctions