Archives International Auctions Sale 47 March 13, 2018
Archives International Auctions - Sale 47 23 March 13,2018 Archives International Auctions 170 170 Shanghai Jishi Candy Company coupon 1 Fen (cent), ND, ca.1930- 40. 上海吉士糖果公司代價券一分 Shanghai, China. A 1 Fen (cent) coupon issued by Jishi Candy Company in Shanghai. Date unknown but should be circa 1930- 1940. Top text reads “10 coupons could be exchanged into a 10 cents banknote”. Bottom are the company name and address: 385 Myburg Road. A purple seal is on the back side, which might belong to the manager. VF condition. Rare Shanghai scrip note. 上海吉士 糖果公司所發行一分代價券,無年份,但推測應早於1949年。上方文字為“ 積滿十分照兌角幣”。下方為地址梅白格路三八五號。背面有紫色印章。 ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $120-180 171 171 China Private & Local Banknote Assortment, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 5 notes, various designs, denominations and dates and all horizontal notes, Includes Local and Private issues, all with buildings, temples and other structures, Condition varies between AU to CU condition, All are issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with no English text. (5). ��������� Est. $110-180 172 172 China Private & Local Banknote Assortment, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 6 notes, various designs, denominations and dates, Local and Private issues, all with buildings, pagodas and other structures, Condition varies between AU to CU condition, All are issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with no English text. (6).���������������������������������������������������������� Est. $130-240 173 173 China Private & Local Banknote Quartet, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 4 notes, all are smaller horizontal format notes with various designs, denominations and dates, Includes Local and Private issues, all with temples, buildings and other structures, Condition varies between AU to CU condition, All are issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with no English text. (4) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est. $90-150 174 174 China Private & Local Banknote Quartet, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 4 notes, all are smaller horizontal format notes with various designs, denominations and dates, Local and Private issues, all with pagodas, Condition varies between AU to CU condition, All are issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with partial English text on back. (4) ��������������������������������������� Est. $110-180 175 175 China Private & Local Banknote Quartet, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 4 notes, all are Vertical format notes with various designs, denominations and dates, Includes Local and Private issues, all with temples, buildings and other structures, lions, and other images, Condition varies between AU to CU condition, Issued and un-issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with no English text. (4) ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Est. $120-180 176 176 China Private & Local Banknote Quartet, ca. 1920-1940. China. Lot of 4 notes, various designs, denominations and dates and all horizontal notes, Includes Local and Private issues, all with buildings, temples and other structures, Condition varies between VG to VF condition, All are issued. Attractive assortment that deserves further study. All are written in Chinese with partial English text on back. (4).���� Est. $130-220