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Archives International Auctions - Sale 39


March 14,2017

Archives International Auctions


159 Province of Buenos Aires, 1936 Specimen Bond

Buenos Aires,

Argentina. $500 Specimen 3% External Sinking Fund Coupon Bond,

Black print on pink border and under tint, Allegorical figures at top,

Specimen overprints and POC’s, Fine-VF condition, ABNC. ������Est.



160 Province of Cordoba, 1925 Specimen Bond

Argentine Republic.

$1000 Specimen 7% Sinking Fund Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on

orange border and under tint, Allegorical woman at top, Specimen

overprints and POC’s, Fine-VF condition with minor splits along fold

lines, ABNC.����������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.



161 Province of Santa Fe Specimen Bond With U.S. Gold Standard Clause.

Santa Fe, Argentina. 1924 (1934), $500 or 1177.72 1/2 pesos

Argentine Paper, 7% public credit external sinking fund gold bond.

ABNCo, EF, Legend overprinted in middle lowering the interest rate

and altering the terms of payment of the bond right after the U.S. went

off the gold standard and payment to be Paid in Dollars instead of

gold”. Rare transition from gold standard effecting international dollar

denominated bonds. “�������������������������������������������������������������������Est.



162 Province of Santa Fe, 1939 Specimen Bond

Argentine Republic.

$100 Specimen 4% External Guaranteed Sinking Fund Dollar Coupon

Bond, Black print on blue border and under tint, Allegorical figure with

cherub at top, Specimen overprints and POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.




163 Sociedad Argentina de Edificacion Specimen Bond.


1907, $100, Specimen Bond, Black on blue border and underprint, Two

nude allegorical men building a structure, VF condition, ABNC.Est.
