Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
349 Cincinnati, Georgetown & Portsmouth Railroad Company, 1881 Specimen First Mortgage Bond CertificateOhio, $1000, 6% 1st
Mortgage, Specimen coupon Bond, hole punch cancellations in place of
signatures, with a rubber stamp that reads “Return to issue room to be
held for reference”. About XF condition. Rare bond with only one found
in the archives. Franklin BNC.������������������������������������������������������Est.
350 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway Co. 1909. Specimen Bond.Ohio. 1909. $1000 4% Specimen Bond. Black print with blue
border and underprint. Locomotive approaching station and one leaving
station top center. POC’s and red SPECIMEN overprints. VF condition.
ABNC. Listed railroad but unlisted bond in Cox. ������������������������Est.
351 Cleveland Union Terminals Co. 1923. Specimen Bond.Ohio.
1922, $1000. 5 1/2% first mortgage registered sinking fund gold bond
Series B. Green border with vignette of allegorical woman flanked by
men. VF condition. ABNCo. Listed railroad but unlisted bond in this
color. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
352 Cleveland, Canton, Coshocton & Straitsville Railway Company, 1881 Specimen First Mortgage 7% BondOhio, $500, 1st Mortgage
7% Tax Free Coupon Bond, Specimen, hole punch cancellations in
place of signatures, with a rubber stamp that reads “Return to issue
room to be held for reference”. VF condition. Rare bond with only one
previous example listed and this being the only one available. Franklin
353 Dayton & Michigan Railroad Preferred Stock, RN-U1 Revenue.Toledo, Ohio, 1873, 20 Shares, Issued and punched cancelled, Black with
no underprint, Train at station, Imprinted Revenue RN-U1, S/N 269, VF
condition. Attractive revenue imprinted railroad. �������������������������Est.