Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
284 St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Co., 1903 Specimen BondMissouri and Arkansas. $1000 Specimen 4% 1st
Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on a large green border
and under tint, image of an allegorical female reclining on her arm in
a small circle next to company title, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-
XF condition. Red corrective stamp over certificate changing amount to
$700 in 1943. Unlisted variety in Cox.�������������������������������������������Est.
285 St. Louis, SiloamandSouthern RailroadCo., 1895 Specimen BondMissouri and Arkansas. $1000 Specimen 6% Consolidated 1st Mortgage
Coupon Bond, Black print on a very large and ornate green border and
under tint, Multiple images cover certificate; An American Bald Eagle at
top, locomotive at bottom, and coat of arms of Missouri and Arkansas
to left and right, Specimen overprints, POC’s, Fine-VF condition with
minor damage at left side and splitting along fold lines. ABNC. Unlisted
color variety on Cox and only 3 found in archives. ���������������������Est.
Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska
286 Missouri Pacific Railway Co., 1907 Specimen BondMissouri,
Kansas, and Nebraska. $1000 Specimen 5% Equipment Trust Gold,
Series 1 Coupon Bond. Black print with a pink/red border and under
tint, image of a locomotive passing through a city, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, VF-XF condition with the beginnings of tears along fold lines.
ABNC. Unlisted variety in Cox.����������������������������������������������������Est.
287 Missouri Pacific Railway Co., 1909 Specimen BondMissouri,
Kansas, and Nebraska. $500 Specimen 5% Convertible 1st and Refunding
Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Series A. Black print with a brown border
and under tint, image of a locomotive at top flanked by farmers at left
and loggers at right, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition.
288 Missouri Pacific Railway Co., ca.1890-1910 Specimen BondMissouri, Kansas, and Nebraska. $10000 Specimen 5% Registered
Convertible 1st and Refunding Mortgage Gold Series A Bond. Black
print on an orange border and under tint in a horizontal format, image
of a locomotive at top flanked by farmers at left and loggers at right,
Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition. ABNC. Unlisted variety
in Cox. �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
289 Nebraska and Western Railway Co., 1889 Specimen BondNebraska. $1000 Specimen 5% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black
print with no border and a green under print, small image at upper left
corner of woman with children, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF
condition, ABNC. Unlisted Railroad on Cox, very unique piece. Est.