Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
229 New Orleans, Texas and Mexico Railway Co., ca.1924-1926 Bond TrioLouisiana. Lot of 3 Specimen Bonds 1) $100 Series B 5% 1st
Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on large steel gray border and
under tint, Image of locomotive passing men working on tracks 2)$500
Series B 5% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on large
purple border and under tint, Image of locomotive moving past men
working on track 3)$1000 Series B 5% 1st Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond,
Black print on large red border and under tint, Image of locomotive
passing men on tracks. All have Specimen overprints, POC’s, and are
VF-XF condition. ABNC. Listed Railroad on Cox, all are Unlisted Bond
230 Saint Louis, Watkins and Gulf Railway Co., 1902 Specimen BondLouisiana. £100 Specimen 5% 1st Mortgage Sterling Coupon Bond,
Black print on brown border and under tint, Image of men standing on
tracks with on coming locomotives around them, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, Fine-VF condition with splitting along fold lines. ABNC.Est.
Louisiana and Mississippi
231 NewOrleans and Northeastern RailroadCo., 1917 Specimen BondLouisiana and Mississippi. $1000 Specimen Series A, 4 1/2% Refunding
and Improvement Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on large
ornate green border and under tint, Image of Louisiana state seal at top
with an oncoming and departing locomotive on either side, Specimen
overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC. �������������������������������Est.
Louisiana and Texas
232 Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Equipment Trust, 1918 Specimen Bond.Louisiana and Texas, $1000, Specimen
coupon bond, Series E, Black on green border and underprint, locomotive
almost straight on, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF condition, ABNC.
One of 3 bonds found in the ABN archives. ��������������������������������Est.
Louisiana, Alabama, Illinois
233 New Orleans, Mobile and Chicago Railroad Co., 1909, Specimen BondLouisiana, 1909, $1000, 5% 1st & Refunding Mortgage Gold
Coupon Bond Specimen, Black on orange border and underprint,
Locomotives passing workers under signal towers top center, POC’s,
VF-XF condition, ABNC. Unlisted as specimen in the Cox.���������Est.