Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comIllinois and Indiana
192 Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Co., 1905 Specimen BondIllinois and Indiana. $1000 Specimen 4% Refunding and Improvement
Coupon Bond, Black print on ornate green border and under tint,
Image of men working on tracks with an oncoming train behind them,
Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition, ABNC.���������������Est.
193 Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Co., 1940 Specimen BondIllinois
and Indiana. $1000 Specimen 3 1/4% Series A 1st Mortgage Coupon
Bond, Black print on green border and under tint, Image of allegorical
female flying between two on coming locomotives, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, VF-XF condition. ABNC. Listed Railroad on Cox, Unlisted Bond
Type. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
194 Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Co., ca.1920 Specimen BondIllinois and Indiana. $1000 Specimen Series A 3 1/4% 1st Mortgage
Registered Bond, Black print on orange border in horizontal format,
Image of allegorical female at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s,
VF-XF condition. ABNC. Listed Railroad, Unlisted Bond Type on
Cox. ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri.
195 Chicago, St.Louis & Nashville Railway Company Proof Bond.Illinois, Tennessee, Missouri. 1885, $150, Proof face with coupons
printed on india paper mounted on thin card. Black on Brown border
and undertint, locomotive at station beneath ornate title, small eagle on
bottom. Rare odd denomination. XF condition. Specimen overprint on
bottom of bond face. From a Hamilton BNC sample book and one of 2
of this color found. Hamilton BNC. This is the plate picture in Cox. Only
3 found in different colors. We cataloged and listed this in our first sale in
2009. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
196 Chicago Indiana and Southern Railroad Co., 1906 Specimen BondIndiana. $1000 Specimen 4% Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on large
orange background and under tint, Image of porter pushing luggage cart
towards locomotive, Specimen overprints, POC’s, Fine-VF condition
with minor splitting along fold lines. ABNC. �������������������������������Est.
197 Chicago South Shore and South Ben Railroad, 1925 Specimen BondIndiana. $100 Specimen 6% 2nd Mortgage Gold Coupon Bond,
Black print on large red/pink border and under tint, Image of railcars
at top, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF condition, WBNC. Listed
Railroad, Unlisted Bond on Cox. ��������������������������������������������������Est.