Archives International Auctions - Sale 38 - Sessions 1 & 2
February 7-8,2017
Archives International Auctions
147 Rock Island, Arkansas and Louisiana Railroad Co., 1910 Group LotArkansas and Louisiana. Lot of 4 Specimen Bonds. 1) $500 4 1/2%
Registered 1st Mortgage Gold Bond, Black print on large blue border and
under tint in horizontal format, Image of 2 allegorical figures flanking
framed image of head on locomotive 2) $1000 4 1/2% Registered 1st
Mortgage Gold Bond, Black print on green border and under tint in a
horizontal format, Image of 2 allegorical figures flanking framed image
of head on locomotive, 3) $5000 4 1/2% Registered 1st Mortgage
Gold Bond, Black print on brown border and under in horizontal
format, Image of 2 allegorical figures flanking framed image of head
on locomotive, 4) $100000 4 1/2% Registered 1st Mortgage Gold Bond,
Black print on blue border and under in horizontal format, Image of 2
allegorical figures flanking framed image of head on locomotive Both
have Specimen overprints, POC’s, and are VF-XF condition with minor
toning on some of the certificates. ABNC. Listed Railroad on Cox (5,000
and 100,000) Others are Unlisted on Cox (500 and 1000). ������������Est.
Arkansas, Kansas, and Missouri
148 St. Louis Southwestern Railway Co., 1891 Specimen BondArkansas, Kansas, and Missouri. $1000 Specimen 4% 1st Mortgage
Gold Coupon Bond, Black print on a large green border and under
tint, Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF-XF with coupons detached but
included, FBNC.����������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
149 Extension of Central Pacific Railroad Co, 1901 Specimen BondCalifornia. No denomination Specimen Series H, 1st Mortgage Extension
Coupon Bond, Black print on simple green border and under tint, Small
image of female figures at upper left corner, Specimen overprints,
POC’s, VF-XF condition with toning right down middle, ABNC. Listed
Railroad on Cox, Unlisted Series Type. ������������������������������������������Est.
150 San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Co. 1911 Specimen 4% Gold Coupon Bond.California, $1000, Specimen, Olive Green
border. Locomotive L-R passing city in background, Unlisted as a
Coupon bond in Cox, only as a specimen Registered bond. ABNC. � Est.
151 Southern Pacific Railroad Co.California, Arizona Territory, New
Mexico Territory, $1000, Specimen, 4% 1st Refunding Mortgage Gold
bond. Olive border and underprint, Allegorical woman and young boy
flanking railroad tracks heading into sunset or sunrise (depends if you
are an optimist and pessimist). XF condition. Red specimen overprints,
POC’s and “00000” serial numbers. Coupons attached. Dark brown
border. Rare certificate. ���������������������������������������������������������������Est.