Archives International Auctions - Sale 37
December 6 & 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
301 City of NewOrleans, 1932 Specimen BondNew Orleans, Louisiana.
$1000 Specimen 5% Serial Gold Coupon Bond, Series of 1932. Black
with a blue border and under tint. Vignette is a portrait of T. Semmes
Walmsley, the 49th Mayor of New Orleans. Specimen overprints, POC’s,
XF condition with coupons attached. Franklin Lee-ABNC����������Est.
302 Louisiana Certificate of Claim for Reduction of Capital Bond.Louisiana, 1876, $1000, 6% Loan Conversion to 7% Loan, Issued Bond,
Black on black border and underprint, VF-XF condition. ������������Est.
303 Shreveport Water Works Co., 1903 Specimen BondShreveport,
Louisiana. $1000 Specimen 5% Consolidated Gold Mortgage Coupon
Bond. Black print with an ornate light green border and undertint in a
horizontal format. Company title at top of certificate and small Vignette
at bottom of allegorical female sitting by a river. Specimen overprints,
POC’s, VF-XF condition with coupons attached. ABNC. ������������Est.
304 State of Louisiana, 1914 Specimen BondLouisiana. $500 Specimen
4 1/2% Serial Gold Coupon Bond. Black with a large orange border and
under tint. Vignette is portrait of Luther E. Hall, the 35th Governor
of Louisiana. Specimen overprints, POC’s, XF condition with coupons
attached. ABNC. ���������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
305 State of Louisiana, ca.1900 Specimen BondLouisiana. $-Odd,
Specimen 4 1/2% Registered Serial Gold Bond. Black with dark green
border and under tint in a horizontal format. Vignette of an American
Bald Eagle at top of certificate. Specimen overprints, POC’s, XF
condition. Franklin Lee- BNC.������������������������������������������������������Est.