Archives International Auctions - Sale 37
December 6 & 13,2016
Archives International Auctions
www.archivesinternational.comIowa & Minnesota
209 Iowa, Minnesota and Northwestern Railway Co., 1900 Specimen Bond.Iowa & Minnesota. $1000 Specimen 3 1/2% 1st Mortgage
Gold Coupon Bond. Black print with a brown border and undertint.
Allegorical women with bee hive, train and factories in middle and
allegorical women on left and right. Coupons attached, XF condition.
Red specimen overprint and POC’s. ABNC. Scarce bond. Unlisted
Coupon Bond in Cox and the only example available out of 2 found in
the archives. ABNC. ����������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
Iowa, Minnesota
210 Iowa, Minnesota and Northwestern Railway Co. ca.1910-1920 Specimen Bond.Iowa and Minnesota. $1000 Specimen 3 1/2% First
Mortgage Gold Registered Bond. Black print with an ornate brown
border and under tint in a horizontal format. Multiple Vignettes of
allegorical female figures at top of certificate. Specimen overprints,
POC’s, XF, ABNC.�������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
211 Kentucky Union Railway Co. 1888Kentucky. $1000, Issued 5%
First Mortgage Gold Bond. Black ink with red border and under print.
Vignette of American Bald Eagle at bottom. Issued, uncanceled, VF,
HLBNC �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
212 Southern Pacific Company, ca.1890-1900 Specimen Stock Certificate.Kentucky. 10 Shares Capitol Stock, Specimen Certificate
with DividendWarrants attached. Black print with brown/purple border
and underprint. Vignette of two allegorical women flank U.S. shield at
bottom. Specimen overprints, POC’s, VF condition. Rare certificate.
Listed only as specimen. ABNC.���������������������������������������������������Est.