Archives International Auctions - Sale 36
October 22&25,2016
Archives International Auctions
1541Ashkhabad National Bank 1919 Exchange CurrencyTokens issued note.Russia, Lot of 3 notes, 250 Rubles P-S1146 VF with small corner
missing but with very clear bank hand stamping; Turkestan District
Government Bank – Tashkent 1918 Exchange Currency Tokens issued
notes 1 Ruble P-S1151 Poor with multiple stains, 50 Rubles P-S1156 Fine.
1542Provisional Siberian Administration 1st 1918 Treasury Token Currency issued notes.Russia 10 Rubles P-S818 (2 varieties, one with
very faint red under print) Fine & VF���������������������������������������������� Est.
1543Transcaucasia Commissariat 1918 issued notes.Russia 1 Ruble
P-S601 VG, 3 Rubles P-S602 VG, 5 Rubles P-S603 Fine, 10 Rubles P-S604
(4 pcs.) Good - Fine, 50 Rubles P-S605 VG, 100 Rubles P-S606 (2 varieties)
Fine, 250 Rubles P-S607 (2 pcs.) VG & torn. Interesting group of 12
notes.������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Est.
Russia - Private & Local Issues
1544Russia, 1919, Scrip Note fromVladivostokRussia, 3 Ruble local note
issued by Café Olympia, operated by BERTHET & Co in Vladivostok,
Russia. VG. ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Est.
1545Sveriges Rigsbank 1958 issued note.Sweden. 50 Kroner P-44a. Black
with multicolored guilloche. Svea reclining with lion at right. EF+ with
soft vertical center fold. Beautiful but simple design.���������������������Est.
1546Central Bank of Syria 1963-1966 Bank Note IssueSyria 5 Pounds
P-94b 1967/AH 1387 Green on m/c. Machinist male worker at right.
Citadel of Aleppo on back. Pleasing Unc. ��������������������������������������� Est.